Friday 23 February 2024


This session used an adaption of the adventure "One Last Thing" from Frog God Games written by Casey Christofferson. The adventure was written for Swords & Wizardry rules but I still needed to make a lot of changes to fit my campaign. I also created 12 VTT maps for the adventure (and only used 7 of them). The adventure involves the players looking for the lost soul of an NPC friend in the underworld. The adventure allows his soul to be held in three locations. I figured it should at least give me a few sessions of searching through the Underworld City of the Dead. My players just do not like having to figure out mysteries. I decided to let them meet an NPC who gave them a vital clue. This was a very different type of adventure for this campaign. Most of the adventures have been dungeon delves but this was a series of roleplaying encounters.

Session 151: The Underworld

Lakima (human magic-user), Eathwund (human fighter), Aldus (human cavalier), Grasshopper (human monk), Domago (human cleric NPC), Aelshara (half-elven fighter/magic-user NPC).

The members of the Company of the Black Dragon (and Aelshara) have returned to the chamber of Golden Pillars in the Tomb of Horrors. They have learned that the portal they found there is the entrance to the Underworld, but they do not know how to activate it.

“Last time when Lakima stepped through, he ended up in the prison?” Aldus asks.

Lakima nods.

“Then this is not the right portal” Aldus states.

“It could be we just need to find the right trigger,” Grasshopper says.

Lakima tries pressing the yellow glowing stone and the red one at the same time but nothing happens. He then spends some time examining the stones but does not find anything interesting. He then moves off to explore the rest of the chamber.

“Does anyone see a place where the keys might fit?” Lakima asks.

Aelshara and Eathwund look about a little but do not find anything. Grasshopper continues to study the stone arch and Aldus watches Grasshopper. Domago kneels in silent prayer hoping for guidance.

Musing to himself that it might be a sequence of stones that needs to be touched, Grasshopper touches the stones in different order repeatedly. On the first few tries nothing happens then as he touches the stone that is glowing green the mists vanish revealing a stair descending deep into the earth. A cold breeze drifts up out of the stairs.

“Hey!” Aldus shouts as Grasshopper steps through the portal.

“It’s safe,” Grasshopper says.

Lakima, Eathwund, and Aelshara rush over to join them. Domago stands up as well. Cautiously, each adventurer steps through the archway into the tunnel beyond. Aelshara is the last to leave the chamber.

Portal to the Underworld

“Come on!” Lakima says to Aelshara.

“I am not even sure I can enter the Underworld,” she says, “Elves do not go there after death.”

Aelshara finally steps through with no untoward effects.

The adventurers descend hundreds of steps deep into the earth. Finally, they enter a cave on the shore of an underground river. The river is dark and muddy and smells of death. On the rocky shore, there is a stone dock with two stone pillars holding it up. From one pillar hangs a lit lantern, and from the other hangs a brass bell. Lakima steps up onto the dock to investigate.

“You’re hurt,” Domago says to Grasshopper.

“I think we may have passed into the underworld and this is the river Styx,” Lakima says.

Unsure whether his healing prayers will be answered Domago tries healing Grasshopper. He finds that his prayers are answered. He also takes the time to heal the wounds Aldus has suffered.

Lakima rings the brass bell and waits expectantly. After a few moments, he hears the sound of a paddle in the water. Then a dark, wooden boat appears out of the fog poled by a robed figure standing in the stern. A lit lantern hangs from the forepost. The hooded figure poles the boat up to the dock and then stops. The boat stands immobile ignoring the push of the current of the river.

Without saying a word Lakima hands two gold coins to the figure's outstretched hand. Looking down Lakima sees that the hands are bone. Looking up he sees a skull peering back at him from inside the hooded robe. The boatman hands the gold coins back to Lakima shaking its head.

“It has to be silver!” Grasshopper says.

Lakima hands the boatman two silver and it accepts the coins which seem to vanish. In the coin's place is a small leaden-colored bracelet in the shape of coils of rope. The boatman silently hands it to Lakima and allows him to board the boat. Each of the adventurers hands the boatman two silvers and each is handed a leaden bracelet. Even Aelshara is accepted on the boat. Once everyone is on board, the boatman pushes off from the dock and poles out into the stream. The boat heads rapidly downriver.

“We wish to journey to the city of the Dead,” Lakima says to the boatman. The boatman ignores him and continues to guide the boat downriver. The journey seems to take a few hours though it is hard to tell time in the dark underground river lit only by the boatman’s lantern and their own lights. Strange shapes can be seen moving about in the filthy-looking water. Reptilian shapes and rotting humanoid shapes. The boat seems to phase in and out of existence passing from river to river but always downriver. The adventurers realize that without the boatman they would be hopelessly lost.

The journey ends when the boat pulls up to another stone dock. This one is more ancient and missing the bell and lantern. The boatman simply stops poling the boat and waits for everyone to step off onto the dock. Then the boatman and his craft leave disappearing upriver.

The adventurers find themselves in a narrow gorge. At one end there is an enormous wall made of bones. Human skulls decorate the wall but the rest of the bones are far too large to be human. The wall does not appear to have a gate. Overhead they see a grey “sky” of rolling clouds. Though the clouds do not appear to move. Flocks of large, black birds fly high above them. Huddled against a rock wall, Lakima spots an emaciated, unmoving, human figure stripped of any clothes. It looks dead so they move past and approach the wall of bone.

“Stop! No further, for this is the city of the Dead!” one of the skulls cries out at them.

“We wish to pass – for we have a mission inside,” Lakima says.

He is almost immediately drowned out by other skulls all shouting insults and threats at the party.

“This is the land of the dead,” one shouts, “The living are not welcome here!”

Lakima reaches into the bag of holding and pulls out the Crown of Tarx. A magical artifact once worn by a Mummy Lord. Placing it on his head Lakima again calls out.

“I am not to be trifled with. Let us pass.”

An argument breaks out amongst the many skulls. Some agree he should be allowed to pass others think they should be sent away and others argue that Lord Amien will want to meet these living souls. Finally, they agree that Lakima can enter.

“My servants also need to come with me,” Lakima says pointing at his companions. This causes another argument between the skulls.

A few moments later a section of the bone wall swings open allowing the group passage. They pass under the wall and into a canyon.

“The ghouls will eat you,” one of the skulls taunts as they leave.

Before the adventurers is a canyon a quarter mile long and about 250 feet across. Down the length of the canyon, they see clouds of green smog billowing from crevices in the ground, the ruins of old charnel houses, mausoleums, and many tombstones and graves some of them open. Grasshopper points up and notes that the flocks of dark birds seem to be following them.

The adventurers pass down the canyon, and at one point they are attacked by a swarm of seven large rats which appear to be undead. The rats do not prove to be much of a threat. Eathwund and Grasshopper kill most of them with arrows and the two which get closer are killed by Lakima using darts. As they near the end of the canyon it narrows and they see two choices. To their right is a box canyon with a three-story ruined stone building in it. The building is surrounded by a stone wall and lit torches can be seen on the wall. To their left is a large field of grey waste dotted with mausoleums and tombstones. The remnants of a stone wall mark its boundary with the canyon. In the distance, they can see that a city of sorts rises up beyond these slums each ward a step higher than the previous.

“Let’s head toward this city, that is where we will find Fenris,” Lakima says.

“Shouldn’t we check that building first?” Grasshopper asks pointing at the ruined building to their right.

Ankev, City of the Dead

Lakima argues that the building is surrounded by a wall so it means it is probably guarded they want to stick to the mission and avoid trouble if possible. Everyone agrees. They pass through the wall ruins and survey the slums before them. Undead move freely about the area, skeletons, zombies, and wights. They also see lost souls, figures that look human at first but as they get closer, they see open wounds, drawn pale faces, and emaciated bodies. The adventurers seem to attract attention and several of the undead begin to converge on their position. Lakima takes a potion of wight control out of the bag of holding and drinks it. He then commands a nearby wight to come to them.

“You obey me now,” Lakima says to the rotting corpse.

“Yes Master,” the wight whispers in a rasping voice.

Lakima explains to the wight that they are looking for a thief named Fenris. The wight professes not to know anyone named Fenris. While they talk the other undead come closer and become more threatening. Lakima stares down the undead and threatens them with the Crown of Tarx. The threat works and the undead all stumble away.

“I do not know how we are going to find him here,” Lakima says.

“I might be able to help,” says a lost soul.

The group finds they have encountered a lost soul who tells them his name was once Cadthorn. Cadthorn asks if they can spare him any life. They learn that the coin of this realm is days and years of life. The lost souls need to bargain for it to remain in control of their souls. Once they bargain away all of their life, they have to begin trading bits of themselves until there is nothing left of them except an unthinking zombie.

“When that happens, we are tossed into the pit at the temple of Orcus,” Cadthorn tells them. “Sadly, that will be my fate soon.”

Cadthorn tells them that they should wear the Leaden bracelets of the underworld that they were given by the boatman. It will disguise them as undead to the weaker undead of the city.

“Have you heard of a thief named Fenris?” Aldus asks Cadthorn.

“Fenris the sly,” Cadthorn says, “I met him. Several months ago, I think. It is hard for me to track time in this twilight land of the dead. He was a clever one, striking deals for life and stealing life when he could not bargain for it. He will be found up in the city I think.”

Lakima asks Cadthorn to guide them up in the city but the lost soul shakes his head and tells them that he does not have the toll to pay to enter the city.

The wight Lakima has under his control however agrees to take them into the city. Grasshopper suggests that they should rest and recover their spells. The wight tells them that it knows a place in the city. The wight leads them to an open gate in an iron fence that marks the boundary of the slums to the city. There is no gatekeeper or toll that they can see. The wight leads them down a narrow street between rickety brick buildings and mausoleums to a two-story building. A sign over the door says, “The Inn of the Mouldering Corpse.” Lakima dismissed the wight.

“I guess we should go in and see what it looks like,” Aldus says.

The adventurers all enter the Inn. Inside they find a small common room. A few guests sit at tables. An armored knight with a closed helm attended by three corpses which appear to be wights, a dark-robed necromancer studying a scroll, and a grey-haired lost soul who is wearing blue robes.

“You!” the lost soul jumps to his feet and shouts at Lakima.

Lakima studies the mage for a second and realizes it is the mage he killed with a fireball in Icewind Pass in the ice caves. A follower of the White Worm.

“Your disguise does not fool me, I can see through it,” the mage says, “You’re still alive!”

The black robes necromancer turns and studies the group with interest.

“One of the twelve I see,” Lakima says, “Or was it thirty, I can never remember I killed so many of you.”

“The TWELVE!” the mage yells, “I am Vermis the viper!”

The mage starts to cast a spell but at that moment the innkeeper, a grey-haired ghost appears through a wall and admonishes the mage that no spells or fighting are allowed in the Inn. The ghost turns to the adventurers and asks if they wish to see the bill of fare or need a room. Lakima asks for a room.

“That will be one day of life per night in the Inn,” the ghostly innkeeper rasps.

“I am not giving up any of my life,” Lakima argues, “How about if I give you someone else’s life?”

“It must be given freely,” the innkeeper says. Lakima has already pulled the Book of Monsters (where he has trapped the souls of several thieves) from his bag of holding. Disappointed he puts the book back. Eventually, the group agrees to part with a day of life each. The ghost hands them a glass vial and bids each of them to breathe into it. They each see a tiny spark of life leave their mouth and enter the vial. Satisfied, the innkeeper gives them an iron key and tells them where their room is located upstairs.

“Why are you here?” Vermis demands from Lakima.

Lakima tells him that it is little of Vermis’ business but they are looking for a friend. Vermis immediately laughs and tells them he has seen their friend Fenris. He was staying at this very Inn up until a few weeks ago.

“Where is he,” Lakima demands.

“You are too late,” Vermis chortles, “His time ran out. The priests of Orcus took him and threw him into the pit of the abyss!” He continued laughing and then scurried away upstairs.

“I don’t believe him,” Lakima says to Eathwund. Eathwund nods.

Aldus at this point has made his way over to the knight. He asks the knight his name.

“I am Sir Ulatuan,” the knight says, “And these are my retainers.” He points at the wights that attend him.

“What did you do before you died,” Aldus asks.

“I am still alive you fool,” the knight says, “I am a bounty hunter for the Temple of Orcus.

Aldus asks if the knight could find someone for them. He says he can find anyone for a price. When Aldus asks about the price, he is told it is five years of life.

“I am not paying that much,” says an indignant Aldus.

Aldus challenges Ulatuan to a duel. He says that they should fight until one of them yields. If he wins the knight will find Fenris at a reduced price.

“And if I win, I kill you and take all of your life,” Sir Ulatuan says.

Aldus argues that the fight will end when one of them yields but the knight laughs at that.

“When I pass, I will become a death knight.” He growls at Aldus as if he expects him to cower at that statement.

Aldus is not impressed and proceeds to tell the knight that he challenged and fought a death knight. Sir Ulatuan dismisses these statements as lies.

“No death knight would accept such a challenge,” he says, “It would fight to the death!”

Aldus shows the knight the mark on his wrist from the death knight but Sir Ulatuan still does not believe him. Seeing that Aldus is headed for a fight Lakima comes over and diffuses things suggesting Aldus step away.

“How about I give you a living human instead of life?” Lakima whispers careful to be sure none of his companions can hear him.

“Which life?” the knight asks looking over his companions.

“Not them,” Lakima says and pulls out the Book again. He opens the book and points at the drawing of a thief he caught in the cellars beneath the manor.


The knight agrees. Lakima gives him a description of Fenris. Sir Ulatuan tells him it will take 3 or 4 days. But he will return with Fenris or with knowledge of his current whereabouts. The knight leaves the inn with his retainers.

 “I have convinced the bounty hunter to work for us,” Lakima tells his companions. They are all a little surprised. Aldus suspiciously asks how Lakima will pay the bounty but Lakima is vague with the details.

As everyone is exhausted, they head up to their tiny chamber. The door has a sturdy lock but that is the only sturdy thing about the room. There are two beds covered in filthy rags, a pair of stools, and a broken window looking out at the building next door and the street. They decide to toss everything out of the room and sleep on the floor. They discover that night never falls in the city of the dead. It is always twilight. Two of them stay alert on watch at all times as the others sleep. Out the window they see the dead and lost souls coming and going. Even the buildings that look abandoned are full of the undead.

The bill of fare they were given for the inn listed only offal, corpses, and bonemeal. All for the price of days of their lives. Instead, Domago casts create food when they have all rested. The food is a bland porridge but nourishing and much better fare than the inn provides.

Downstairs that day they speak to the necromancer and learn his name is Hukeesh. He is another living visitor to the city of the dead. Something he tells them is not all that uncommon. He has come to try and gain entry to the Mortis Arcanum, a school for necromancers.

Lakima asks Hukeesh if he has heard of Fenris. He admits that he has. He stayed at the inn for a time. Hukeesh says he does not know what became of Fenris.

“Perhaps Adroculus, the high priest of Orcus sacrificed him. Maybe Nacht the vampire lord has him acting on his stage at the Ruby chalice, or maybe dread Laminae the lich queen has taken an interest in him.”

“Laminae is here, is she,” Lakima muses.

Hukeesh nods and tells him that Laminae rules the city. On behalf of Orcus of course. Androculus the high priest of Orcus thinks he rules the city but the real power lies with the lich.

“I know two bits of knowledge that you will want to know,” he teases.

Lakima asks what he knows. Hukeesh tells them his price is 2 days of life. When Lakima refuses, he instead suggests he would tell them his secrets for some spells. Lakima pulls a spell book he looted from a desert tomb. Hukeesh examines it and agrees to the trade.

“The bounty hunter has betrayed you,” he says. Hukeesh tells them that the bounty hunter plans to trick them into entering the temple or Orcus where they will be ambushed and then sacrificed to Orcus.

Secondly, he tells them that he does not know where Fenris is now, but he knows someone who might know.

“Seek out a waif-like lost soul named Eris,” he says. He explains that Fenris seemed to adopt Eris for some reason. “He kept her close when he was staying here at the inn.”

Now that Fenris is missing Eris had to go back to the slums. Hukeesh advises that they hurry as someone weak like Eris will not last long in the slums.

“Okay we have a new mission,” Lakima tells the group in their room.

Lakima tells everyone to pack up and he explains what he has learned. They quickly head back into through the city and out into the slums. They try asking some of the undead if they have seen a young woman named Eris but have no luck. Lakima has to threaten some of the undead to get them to back away.

They decide to just wander the paths through the slums. Grasshopper is the first to spot something. He sees a thin, lost soul being harassed by a group of wights. They hurry to the rescue and Domago turns the undead with his holy symbol. The undead flee.

“That might not be a good idea,” Lakima says, “It draws attention to us.”

Hurrying over to the thin figure they find it is a drawn, fearful waif. She nods when they ask her if she is Eris. She is clearly scared of them until they tell her they are friends of Fenris.

“You are the adventurers of whom he spoke,” she says in awe.

Lakima assures her that they are. They speak to Eris and learn she met Fenris on her first day in the city. She was being harassed by undead who were drawing her life away. Fenris intervened and chased off the undead. At first, she assumed he planned to take her life himself but instead, he protected her and let her stay in his room in the inn.

“Do you know where we can find Fenris,” Lakima asks.

Eris tells them that she is not certain. But she thinks that the Lich Queen Laminae took him to her mausoleum. That is what other lost souls have told her.

“Can you guide us there?” Lakima asks.

Eris nods but says that she is terrified of entering the city again. Lakima assures her that they can protect her. With Eris hiding in Lakima’s shadow the group re-enters the city. They take the main street through the lower ward and up into the upper ward. Here there are large buildings, more mausoleums, and a few shops selling unsavory goods. Lastly, they climb stone steps up to the upper ward.

“What is that place?” Lakima asks pointing at a walled building. The sounds of music and laughter can be heard.

Eris whispers that it is the Ruby Chalice, the lair of the vampires. She says that Fenris went there on occasion to trade. She was always afraid for him. Eris leads them to the largest stone building in the city. An enormous black stone mausoleum with a red-tiled roof. A single door of stone marks the entrance. There are no guards or any souls or undead anywhere near the building.

Lakima tells Grasshopper to check the door and they are surprised to find it unlocked and untrapped. Inside they find a short hall leading to another door. Lit torches light the chamber. Outside only Eris remains fearful to enter.

“Come with us that is the only way you will be safe,” Lakima says and turns and enters the hallway.

“Will you protect me,” Eris asks Aldus clutching at his hand. “Knights are in the thick of the fight I have no time to watch you,” he says.

Eris turns to Eathwund, “Will you protect me?” Eathwund nods.

Assured of Eathwund’s protection, Eris joins the others in the hallway as the outer door opens.

Grasshopper opens the door and they see a five-foot-wide hallway. This leads to another hallway, an intersection, and still more hallways.

“It is a maze,” Grasshopper says.

Eris tells them that they say that Laminae can control the maze with her mind. Moving the walls and setting off traps. Only those she wants to meet can find her.

Lakima is less impressed, “We will find her, and force her to give up Fenris.”

Grasshopper asks about the arrow of direction but Lakima tells him he has exhausted the charges. Domago also says he has no way of locating a person. They continue down hallways. Grasshopper detects and disarms several traps. He also sets off two traps. One is a lightning bolt trap that strikes him and one is a trapped hall where spears fire from the walls hitting Grasshopper, Eathwund, and Aldus.

Entering a slightly larger chamber Grasshopper stops when he sees a magic circle painted on the floor. As Lakima moves to examine it a monster is summoned into the circle. An enormous armored four-legged beast with a shark-like head.

“A bulette!” Grasshopper yells. He tries striking the beast but its skin is too hard to be damaged by his bare fists. Eathwund and Aldus attack with their swords and soon blood is being sprayed everywhere. Aelshara casts a magic missile and fires two missiles into the creature’s side. After a brief battle, the creature is killed, and moments later it vanishes.

“That’s odd”, Aldus says.

“It is a summoned creature,” Lakima says, “That is what happens to them.”

It takes another hour of searching but they finally spot a stone door at the end of a hallway. Grasshopper finds one more trap leading to the door and he disables it. He then moves up to examine the door.

“The door is open, come in my guests,” says an ethereal female voice.

“I guess we step into the parlor,” says Grasshopper.

He is the first to enter the chamber followed by the others. Eris hides at the doorway afraid to enter. They see a chamber that is a tomb but also a decorated sitting room. A beautiful woman sits on a wooden throne at the far end of the room, her hand resting on a crystal ball. Nearby is an open coffin resting on a stone dais. Tapestries of dark violet line the walls.

“Step closer adventurers I do not want to shout,” the woman says, “I am Laminae, ruler of this city.”

The group steps forward and they catch the scent of rot under the smell of perfume. Up close they see that Laminae has grey, sallow skin and is clearly dead.

“We have come for our friend Fenris,” Lakima says, “Is he here.”

“I have him in a safe place.”

“Why did you take him” Lakima demands.

“I felt him reaching out to the land of the living,” she says, “I wondered what kind of fish I might catch if I used him as bait.” She smiles at the adventurers.

“You had better let him go; we have killed more powerful creatures than you,” Lakima says.

Laminae seems amused by this statement.

“In this city, I am like a god, you cannot harm me.”

“Don’t be so certain of that!”

Laminae suggests to them that she might be willing to part with Fenris for a favor. When asked about the favor she says it is something well within their abilities.

“Why don’t you do it yourself then if you are so powerful,” Aldus says.

Laminae does not answer. Lakima asks about the favor and is told that there is a beast in her city she wishes to be removed. If they destroy the beast and bring proof back to her, she will give them Fenris. She explains that anyone in the city can direct them to the lair of the beast.

“If she is so powerful, why does she need us to fight this beast,” Aldus asks Lakima.

“Because I do not wish to dirty my hands young Aldus,” Laminae says.

Lakima agrees to her proposal and Laminae asks them to sign a contract. Lakima absolutely refuses to do this telling her that he has had issues in the past with the fine print on contracts. Grasshopper asks to see the contract and Laminae hands it to him. As she steps closer Lakima’s light spell on the staff of power goes out. Grasshopper reads the contract and shrugs telling Lakima it looks okay.

“No contracts!” Lakima says.

Laminae does agree to this eventually. On her word, she says she will return Fenris if they kill the beast. She then waves her hand and all of them find themselves standing outside the mausoleum.

“Let’s find someone who knows where this beast lives,” Aldus says.

“I know,” Eris whispers to Eathwund.

As the others walk off, Eathwund turns to listen to Eris. She explains that everyone knows of the beast. Laminae has sent many demons and champions to kill it and all have failed. It lives in a red-brick mausoleum in the middle ward near the ledge that marks the border. Hurriedly, Eathwund catches up to the rest of the group with Eris and explains what she told him. Lakima asks if she knows what manner of beast, they will be facing but she shakes her head.

Eris leads them to a red-brick mausoleum in an empty field at the base of the wall leading up to the upper ward. The ground before the mausoleum is littered with the bones of dragons, giants, and demons. As they near the door of the mausoleum they see a collection of skulls lying on the ground. Some of the skulls have the tell-tale horns of demons.

“I’ll kick in the door,” Aldus says and steps toward the door.

“Wait, it is made of iron,” Grasshopper says. He moves up to check the door for traps. He sees a circle of protection on the ground before the door.

“It is a protection from creatures of law,” Domago says puzzled.

Grasshopper knocks on the door and they hear a deep and powerful voice.


They decide to draw the beast out so they can encircle it. Grasshopper opens the door and they see a hallway leading to an open archway. White mist swirls in the doorway blocking their sight. Pillars hold up the roof and demon skull trophies hang from the pillars with lit candles atop them.

Aldus and Lakima try yelling challenges into the room. Aldus calls the beast a coward and Lakima clucks like a chicken. There is no response to any of their antics.

“I guess we go in after it,” Aldus says and enters the hall.

All of the adventurers enter and Eris clings to Eathwund’s shadow. Grasshopper advances to the swirling mists but he cannot see through it. He feels a deep cold from the mist.

“This is like the mist from that death knight I fought,” Aldus says.

He tells everyone to be ready and then he plunges through the mist arriving in another chamber unharmed. A painted wooden screen blocks off a portion of the chamber. The paint long since faded. A small table holds a blue crystal in a jar and a mirror. Before him, seated on a white chair is a grey figure of a woman with grey-feathered wings springing from her back. Her eye sockets are deeply sunken and only pin-points of light reside within.

“Are you assassins sent by the Lich Queen?” she asks in a tired voice.

“Are you the beast?” Lakima says.

The woman looks at him and says, “Come champions, let us get this over with.” She rises up from her chair slowly in some pain.

Aldus takes a step forward sword drawn.

“Wait!” Lakima says.

He suggests to the woman that they might be able to work out a non-violent solution. He explains that the lich has their friend and they need to kill her to get him back. The woman asks why they are wasting her time. She grows weary of all of the killing.

Lakima asks her if she is a fallen angel.

She nods, “I am Sotira,” when no one responds she says, “Has the world already forgotten me?”

Lakima admits he has never heard of her. He looks to Domago who also shakes his head. Sotira tells them that she was once the mightiest and most beautiful of the celestials. That was the reason for her fall. She grew full of pride in her abilities and her appearance.

“Now my beauty has been taken from me until I can recover the shards of my soul.”

Lakima asks about this and learns that to learn piety her soul was shattered and flung in the river Styx. To regain her place in the heavens, she must recover the shards of her soul. She came to the abyss searching for the shards. She is drawn to them and the first few were easy to find. Later shards had gained new owners, demonic owners and she had to defeat them. It took years and meanwhile residing in the abyss was slowly draining her strength.

“Now only three shards remain, but they are guarded by demon lords and I no longer have the strength to defeat them. I tried a dozen times but each time I was driven away. Now I wait here until I fade to nothing and am tossed into the pit.”

“Perhaps we could help you if you could help us,” Lakima asks.

Lakima asks if she could help regain their friend. She explains that in her current state, she could not face Laminae. But if they could regain her soul, she could do it with ease. When Lakima asks if she can transport them back to the material plane, she tells them that there is no need. The boatman will know where they need to go. They need only pay him.

Lakima turns to the rest of the group and they all agree. Sotira tells them that the three soul shards are held in the Caves of Avarice. She warns them to be wary of the temptations found there. She tells them to make their way to the river Styx and the boatman will know where to take them.

Sotira also suggests that Eris remain with her where she will be safe. Lakima is concerned that Laminae may be spying on them and asks Sotira if she can help since she is warded from Laminae. She agrees and tells them that she will use up a lot of strength but she will magically hide them from scrying. The adventurers leave Eris behind and make their way back to the canyon and the bone gate. From this side, the gate opens easily. They make their way through the gate and see the river Styx in the distance.

Fallen Angel

Thursday 15 February 2024

Hiding in Plain Sight

I got one more session out of the (Fake) Tomb of Horrors adventure. Getting 12 hours of gameplay out of this short adventure was unexpected and welcome. It means I do not have to write anything for another week. The direction the players needed to go did not have any obvious clues and they just missed out on it - assuming that if there was more dungeon to explore the entrance to the Underworld must be ahead.

Session 150: The Tomb of Horrors

Lakima (human magic-user), Eathwund (human fighter), Aldus (human cavalier), Grasshopper (human monk), Domago (human cleric NPC), Aelshara (half-elven fighter/magic-user NPC).

The members of the Company of the Black Dragon joined by Aelshara are resting in a safe haven in the Tomb of Horrors. Domago finishes communing with St. Aleena and tells the others that he knows the way forward.

Domago casts Find Traps and takes the lead of the group. He leads them to the hall of doors where they find water leaking out from under one door and draining under the wall (Clue!). Domago points at the wall and tells them a secret door is there. With some searching, they find and open the door. Beyond the secret door, they see a long hallway. Partway down the hall they come to an arched opening leading south. In the distance, they see a large open pit trap. Grasshopper suggests searching the hallway to its end but Domago tells him he can see that it is trapped. They decide to go south.

The large pit trap is 10 feet deep and the bottom is lined with rusty iron spikes. It extends from wall to wall and is 20 feet long. Lakima solves this obstacle casting Luminous Bridge over the pit. The entire group heads south and they pass through a door and find they are in a dead end. Lakima uses the wand of secret door detection and finds a secret door in the west wall. This leads to another empty hallway. But the wand again finds a secret door with a peculiar lock.

“It looks like it might fit the stone key we found,” Grasshopper says.

He tries the key and once entered it turns of its own accord and the stone door slides to one side. Inside they see a large chamber with many golden pillars. The thin pillars holding up the stone ceiling look like they are made of gold. Aldus moves to one pillar to check but Lakima tells him not to touch the pillars.

“Look a throne!” Grasshopper says, and points to the south wall. A black throne with skulls for armrests sits on a stone dais. Rubies glint in the eye sockets of the skulls. Aldus and Eathwund move south toward the throne but Domago and Grasshopper head further into the chamber. They spot a dim light coming from the west wall where they see a large arch.

“There is a door over here,” Grasshopper calls out.

The group approaches the stone archway set in the wall. The archway appears open, but they can only see swirling grey mists. As they get close three stones in the arch light up. One stone is red, one is green, and one glows yellow.

Mysterious Portal

Lakima asks everyone to step back and the glowing stones go dark. Then he asks first Domago, then Grasshopper to step toward the archway. Finally, he does the same. The stones light up the same regardless of who is close.

“Let’s check this throne,” Lakima says.

Using his magic lens Lakima views the throne. It radiates strong magic. Domago voices concern that it could be evil. Lakima pulls a 10-foot pole from the bag of holding and gives it to Aldus. Aldus touches the throne and there is a crack of thunder and a cloud of brimstone appears. As the cloud clears, they see an enormous demon standing on the dais, with dark skin, a horned head, and bat wings.

“A pit fiend!”, Domago yells.

Eathwund and Grasshopper both attack with swords but they miss. Aldus strikes the demon with his sword and cuts it deeply, black ichor weeps out of the wound.

The Pit Fiend

“Begone!” Domago yells casting Dispel Evil causing the demon to vanish.

“It will only keep it away for a few minutes,” Domago shouts, “We should leave!”

“We need to destroy it,” Lakima says, “Let’s prepare to attack it when it returns.”

Everything gathers surrounding the dais. When the pit fiend returns a few minutes later they all strike at it with their weapons. The pit fiend roars in anger and slashes at Eathwund and Aldus with its long claws drawing blood from both fighters. After a few more hacks and slashes the pit fiend collapses and it burns away to a pile of soot on the floor.

“Quick take the gems, Aldus!” Lakima says.

Aldus carefully removes four large gems from the throne and hands them to Lakima to be put in the bag of holding.

The group goes back to check the strange archway again. Lakima touches the green glowing stone but nothing happens. Telling everyone to step back he takes the 10-foot pole and pokes it into the mist and he instantly vanishes.

“Lakima’s gone!” Aldus shouts.

Grasshopper immediately jumps through the arch and vanishes. Shrugging his shoulders Eathwund also steps through.

Elsewhere in the tomb, Lakima arrives in a small 10-foot-square room with no exits. A moment later Grasshopper and Eathwund arrive. Then, after a short pause, Aldus arrives followed by Domago.

They look about. The small chamber is immediately familiar. Four skeletons lie on the floor and the walls are covered with crude paintings of dying adventurers. They realize they are in the prison chamber they entered once before. Knowing this, they trigger the secret door they previously found and make their way down a hidden corridor and up into the chamber of four statues.

“Hey, where is the half-elf,” Lakima notices.

Domago shrugs, “I guess she decided not to follow us.”

It takes some time but they make their way back to the room of golden pillars. They find Aelshara sitting near the portal. She does not say anything but nods to them.

“Right, let’s see if there is another way out of here,” Lakima says. He takes out the wand of secret door detection and checks the walls of the chamber. He finds the trigger for a secret door on the south wall.

“This is the way forward,” Lakima says and waves everyone over.

Grasshopper takes the lead down pit trap-filled hallways. Eventually, the hallway comes to an end and turns right. Grasshopper finds a pit trap here and triggers it open.

“The stone floor has changed,” Grasshopper says as he steps around the pit. The hallway he has entered is very long extending out of sight. The stone flagstones are smoother and better fitted together than elsewhere. He also can see that the hallway ascends at a low degree.

As he makes his way down the hall toward a door on his right, he hears a low rumble echoing through the dungeon. The rumbling sound gets louder and seems to be moving closer. Looking about Grasshopper does not see anything moving. It sounds like a stone rolling over stone. Eathwund and Lakima retreat around the corner of the hallway. Grasshopper also begins to slowly back away. Then picks up the pace as the sound gets closer. The walls and floor are shaking at this point. As he reaches a pit at the start of the hallway, Grasshopper leaps over it and feels a stone boulder brush against his leg. There is a tremendous crash and then the noise and shaking stops.

Grasshopper reaches out with his hand and feels an enormous stone boulder sitting half in the pit trap. Using his hands, he measures it at eight feet in diameter – and invisible!

“An invisible stone trap,” Grasshopper says in awe.

All of the adventurers can squeeze by the stone and they make their way down the hallway stopping to check the door. Grasshopper opens it and they see an alchemical workshop. The benches are covered in hundreds of beakers, bottles, and flasks. Large urns rest on the floor. A door exiting the room proves to be false but they see a message written on it in dried blood. The message is in an unknown language.

“It says, three keys are to be found. Each has one purpose and one curse. All eventually lead to your doom,” Domago translates.

“Great,” Lakima says.

Lakima grabs a number of the liquid-filled bottles and puts them in the bag of holding and then they leave the chamber. Using the wand of secret door detection, they find a secret door and continue south. Long hallways lead south and then west frequently they head down flights of stone steps. Finally, a door leads into a dark chamber with thin pillars holding up the ceiling. Valuable gems are set into the pillars filling the chamber with reflected light.

“Don’t touch the pillars,” Lakima advises.

In an alcove, they find a coffin made of black wood with a gold-inlaid lid. As they step near to it a prismatic wall of light appears around the coffin.

“I know how to deal with this,” Lakima says and he casts an Anti-magic shell. As he steps near the coffin, the wall of light winks out of existence (this was a GM ruling by me, the rules in Swords & Wizardry are not clear on whether this would work. Later editions specifically stated that anti-magic shell would not dispel prismatic sphere). Lakima tells Aldus to open the coffin and inside they find an old corpse wearing a jeweled crown. Around the neck of the corpse is another strange key that looks like the stone key they found earlier, but this one is made of translucent crystal. Aldus grabs the crown and the key, yanking the head off of the corpse in the process. They search the coffin but do not find anything else. Once Lakima and everyone step well back from the coffin the wall of prismatic lights winks back into existence.

Not finding a new exit from the room, Lakima uses the wand of secret door detection and locates another secret door. This one opens into a rough-hewn hallway of more primitive construction. They follow the hallway for a fair distance with Grasshopper checking for traps and Lakima using the wand to look for secret doors. Lakima finds a secret door but they discover that it will not open even when a concealed lever is pulled. Eathwund uses his giant strength and breaks the stone door off of its hinges.

Another hallway heads north from this door and the hallway they were in continues on to the east. They decide to move north. Grasshopper finds several more pit traps in this hallway and Lakima discovers a secret door in the wall right beside a pit trap. They open the door and Grasshopper checks the dead-end passage beyond. He spots a trap in the floor but he is unable to disable it.

“Can you hand me that long pole?” Grasshopper asks.

Lakima hands over the pole and Grasshopper uses it to tap hard on the floor. He sets off the trap and yellow-poisonous gas begins to fill the chamber from holes in the ceiling. The secret door also slides shut.

“How do we get by this?” Grasshopper asks.

Lakima tells everyone that he has an idea. Wielding his Staff of Power, he tells Grasshopper to trigger the door. Everyone else moves back. When the door opens Lakima uses the telekinesis ability of the staff to pull the gas into the hallway and push it down into the bottom of the pit (GM ruling again, would telekinesis work on a gas?). He then uses the wand to find a secret door at the end of the hallway. Grasshopper checks the door and finds that it is locked. The lock is a slot in the wall of the right size for the stone key. But the stone key, when inserted, does not open the door.

“We need another key,” Grasshopper says.

Leaving the gas at the bottom of the pit the group heads north and finds another room full of gas. This chamber is full of billowing black gas that blocks their sight and seems held in place by invisible walls of force. Lakima again uses the staff and pushes the gas aside so that they can cross the room to an opening. A stair leads down and then they find a small opening leading into the bottom of a pit. Grasshopper tries to climb up out of the pit but he finds the walls slick with moisture. Using a grappling hook attached to a rope he can climb out and help everyone else up.

They find themselves in a hallway that leads into a chamber. Strewn about the chamber are six or seven skeletons holding broken weapons and shields. An alcove to the south leads up to a black stone altar on which rests a skull.

“Oh boy,” Eathwund whispers.

“This could be the lich,” Lakima whispers back.

Cautiously, the group enters the chamber. The skeletons do not animate. While the rest look about the room, Grasshopper collects the weapons and throws them to the bottom of the pit (GM including several magic ones). They see that the skull has a shiny, silver medallion resting on its forehead. Lakima checks the room for secret doors. Grasshopper checks for traps. The entire group moves toward the skull. Grasshopper uses his sword to pick up the medallion and tosses it into the open bag of holding. Domago casts detect evil but does not find any. Lakima checks for magic and does not find any.

Opening the bag of holding, Lakima reaches in and pulls out the medallion. He examines it and finds it is covered with the holy symbols of gods of law. He puts it back in the bag.

“I think I know what happened here,” Lakima says, “These adventurers killed the lich and put this medallion on its head so it could not rise again.” Then Lakima puts the medallion on the skull once more. “We had better put it back.”

Lakima uses the arrow of direction and asks for the location of the key to the door they found. The arrow points back in the direction they came. The group wearily retraces their steps. Part way back he uses the arrow once more. It now points north.

“I will pray,” Domago says. He casts Locate Object and leads the group back to the alchemy lab they entered earlier. Domago points under one of the stone urns.

Eathwund lifts the urn and underneath they see another key and a leather glove. This key is made of ivory.

“Strange that there is only one glove here,” Grasshopper says and then he picks up the key with his bare hand. Grasshopper feels a wrench at his very soul and cries out in pain. He feels tremendous exhaustion as a part of his soul is drained. Domago rushes to check Grasshopper.

“I think it will pass once you rest,” Domago says.

“I know,” Grasshopper says nodding.

With the key in hand, the group makes their way back to the locked door. Lakima has to use another charge of the Staff of Power to get by the gas trap which still functions. Finally, Grasshopper inserts the ivory key into the lock, and the door slides to one side.

They see a short hallway leading to a room with diagonal walls. There is a large altar covered with a black cloth. A single skull rests on the cloth. In the chamber they see a large wooden chest with a dead body slumped over it.

“You’ve come to rescue me?” Lakima hears a strange, young voice in his head.

Lakima calls out asking who is there.

“Watch out – it will kill you,” the voice says, “I can help!”

Lakima tells everyone what he hears. The skull rests unmoving. The group steps into the chamber and suddenly the skull flies up into the air and spits into four separate skulls all with the same appearance. The corpse staggers to its feet and draws its sword.

“Look out!” a voice says in Eathwund’ head as the corpse swings a glowing sword at him. Eathwund easily parries it.

Grasshopper races forward and delivers an open-handed blow to a skull but it just bounces off. Aldus attacks with his sword. Aelshara moves up and swings a sword at a skull. Only Aldus can do any noticeable damage to one of the skulls.

“I think you need to use your most powerful magic weapons,” Aelshara cries out.

One of the skulls casts a spell and Lakima finds that he cannot hear what he is saying. He races back out of a zone of silence into the hallway. Lakima then conjures an earth elemental to attack the skulls. In the tight space, Aldus, Grasshopper, Eathwund, and Aelshara all swing their swords at the flying skulls trying to avoid each other and trying to avoid being crushed by the huge earth elemental. Grasshopper is bitten by a skull and he feels poison entering his body.

“Watch out,” he warns, “Their bite is poisonous!”

Domago casts neutralize poison on Grasshopper. By this time Eathwund has chopped down the animated corpse and it collapses in a heap. He hears the voice in his head calling out from the sword asking him to pick it up and wield it. Promising him fame and fortune.

Domago casts Protection from Evil 10-foot radius and steps forward forcing the skulls into the corner of the room. The earth elemental continues to swing its fists trying to connect to the flying skulls – hitting on one occasion. In the lull in the fight, Lakima waves his arms to get Aelshara’s attention. She races through the area of silence to Lakima. Lakima holds open the bag of holding and pulls out the censer of commanding water elementals.

“Summon a water elemental!” he says to Aelshara.

“We have to attack, the elemental is not succeeding on its own,” Eathwund yells. Aldus and Grasshopper nod grimly and all three move back into range of the skulls and attack. One skull flies up high and casts a beam of death at Lakima but he manages to leap to one side. Aldus connects with one skull smashing it against the wall and it crumbles into bone chips falling to the stone floor. Aelshara finishes the conjuration and a water elemental rushes into the chamber joining the fight. The elemental briefly slashes at the earth elemental but then Aelshara gets it under control. With the water elemental joining the fight, they are able to destroy one skull after another until all are gone. With relief, Aelshara dismisses the water elemental and Lakima dismisses the earth elemental.

Domago takes a flask of holy water from his belt to pour on the remains of the skulls but he finds that the water has gone bad. Everyone finds that the potions and water they have been carrying have gone foul.

“My healing potions!” Aldus shouts, “Nooo!” he cries as he sniffs a rancid potion.

Domago uses the decanter of holy water to pour everyone clean water and he pours more on the remains of the skulls. The skulls burn up into ash.

“Pick me up and wield me,” the voice says in Eathwund’s head.

“No!” Eathwund says.

The voice then begins tempting Aldus.

“Do you think it is okay?” Aldus asks Lakima.

“I think it is cursed,” Lakima says. He detects that the sword is powerfully magical. Domago tells Aldus that it is not evil.

“I am taking it,” Aldus says and he bends over and picks up the sword. He stands stock still for a moment while everyone waits in anticipation.

Aldus and Deathdealer

“I’m fine,” Aldus says. He sheaths the sword and mumbles as if conversing in his head with the sword.

Grasshopper examines the chest and finds that the lock looks like it might be opened by one of the strange keys. He tries the bone key and it does not work. But the ivory key opens the lock. Inside they find bags of treasure, scrolls, and a dozen bottles of poison. All of the loot (and the poison) is put in the bag of holding.

“We are no closer to finding the entrance to the river Styx,” Lakima says in frustration.

“My sword says it knows the way,” Aldus says. “It says its previous owner was in a group of adventurers who identified the way.”

Aldus explains that the sword says that the long-dead adventurers entered the dungeon looking for the lich’s treasure. The group's priest identified the portal in the chamber of pillars as being a gateway to the underworld so they avoided it.

The adventurers set out again retracing their steps and returning to the chamber of golden pillars. As Lakima walks up to the archway the stones begin to glow again.

“I don’t suppose the sword knows the way to open it?”

Aldus shakes his head.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Back where we started

As I mentioned in my last post I used the (Fake) Tomb of Horrors from Footprints magazine as a location for the entrance to the underworld that the players were seeking. I had no illusions that my players would spend more than a session or two in the dungeon since the gate was not far from the entrance. Imagine my surprise when the players spent an entire session exploring the dungeon and then ended up back where they started.

It also speaks to the danger of having one (secret) way forward in a dungeon. While a lot of the dungeon could be explored, getting to the second half required that the players find a single secret door. They searched all over for secret doors but not in this one place. And since they had checked so thoroughly with a wand of secret door detection they just assumed that there was no door to be found. They became quite frustrated and because the dungeon was a long-lost Lich tomb the encounters and traps were static. No wandering monsters to make the dungeon feel a little more alive.

They figured it out by using a commune spell. I had thrown some pretty big clues at them but they just did not realize the importance.

Session 149: The Tomb of Horrors

Lakima (human magic-user), Eathwund (human fighter), Aldus (human cavalier), Grasshopper (human monk), Domago (human cleric, NPC), Aelshara (half-elven fighter/magic-user, NPC).

The members of the Company of the Black Dragon have entered the Tomb of the Lich Athransma a place commonly known as the Tomb of Horrors. Inside they found a Mirror of Life Trapping and released the half-elven adventurer Aelshara.

The adventurers head deeper into the dungeon once everyone has recovered from the fight with the gargoyle. Grasshopper takes the lead, checking carefully for traps. He finds a pit trap and triggers it so everyone has to walk along the edge. Another 10 feet along the hallway, Grasshopper triggers a second pit trap and has to leap to one side to avoid falling into it. They come to an intersection and decide to follow the path that leads down. This path leads to several oak doors. Each door they open leads either to another 10-foot square empty room or a false door with a spear trap behind it. All of the doors are locked and eventually, they can go no further forward because Grasshopper is unable to pick the door locks and Aelshara uses up all of her knock spells.

A spear trap in the Hall of Doors

The group heads south and finds a corridor filled with orange gas. Grasshopper holds his breath and runs through the gas unaffected. For the rest, Domago uses the book titled "Memory of Poison" to give them poison protection. The entire group still takes no chances and they hold their breath as they pass through the hallway. The hallway leads to a large chamber, ten coffins are arrayed before a dais with a jet-black metal throne set on it. The throne is covered in gemstones. Seated on the throne is a skeleton in a black robe.

“Who dares disturb the rest of Athransma! It is your death that you have found!” the skeleton shouts as it stands to its feet on the dais.

As Lakima, Aldus, and Grasshopper enter the chamber, Lakima tries speaking to the figure. Telling it they only seek a passage to the City of the Dead. The skeleton regards them without speaking or moving. Aldus and Eathwund cautiously advance. Domago presents his holy symbol and demands that the creature depart.

The False Lich

“I cannot turn it – it's too powerful!” Domago shouts.

This is all the encouragement Eathwund and Aldus need. They rush toward the unmoving skeleton and hack it apart. The skeleton collapses to the stone floor in a heap of disjointed bones.

“It was all a fake,” Lakima says.

Aelshara and Grasshopper take the time to open the coffins but they find that all of them are empty. Aldus finds a leather bag resting beneath the throne.

“Hey, there is a bag here. Should I grab it?” Aldus asks.

Lakima is busy using the wand of secret door detection and tells Aldus to go ahead. He also warns Aldus not to touch the throne. Aldus finds a bag with coins, flasks, and potion bottles in it. Lakima finds a secret door that they open to find a hallway headed west.

This hallway turns out also to be trapped. Grasshopper falls in one trap but easily leaps from wall to wall to avoid injury. The next pit trap he finds and disables. The hallway leads to a chamber with four grim, iron statues of warriors resting on stone plinths. The statues are each slightly bigger than man-size. In the center of the room is a stone basin filled to the top with a green slime. While searching the chamber they find scratch marks on the floor suggesting one of the statues was slid along the floor. With Eathwund, Grasshopper, and Aldus all struggling to push they manage to slide the statue to one side revealing a trapdoor in the floor.

Grasshopper drops down through the trapdoor into a tunnel with a more roughly stone-flagged floor. It leads west to a stone wall. Lakima and Domago join him and they find a secret door. The door leads to a 10-foot square chamber. The walls of the chamber are covered with evil drawings and paintings showing torture and death. Lying on the floor are four skeletons wearing rags of clothing and armor. While searching them, Grasshopper finds a cloth pouch with some parchment scrolls in it. They search the chamber but do not find anything.

“Could you speak to one of these unfortunates?” Lakima asks Domago.

Domago says that he could. They pick the one dressed in brown robes. Domago casts the speak with dead spell and they ask it three questions. They learn that it was an adventurer who sat on a throne in the tomb and was teleported to this chamber. The dead adventurer tells them that it could not find any exit from the chamber. When asked about the city of the dead it says it knows nothing.

They return to the chamber with the pool of green slime. They decide they should destroy the slime. Domago pores oil from his Alchemy Jug on the slime. Lakima uses a cantrip to light the oil on fire. The slime burns fairly quickly. While they are doing this Eathwund and Aldus have to jump out of the way when the iron statue slides back over the trapdoor. Once the slime is destroyed, they find it is resting upon a strange stone skeleton key.

The Stone Key

The room is searched for keyholes but they do not find any. Instead, they return back the way they came. Holding their breath as they pass through the orange mist again. Aelshara reminds them that there was a hallway they did not explore near the gargoyle chamber. The hall is found to lead to a door. Once Grasshopper picks the lock, they open the door and find that the way beyond is blocked by continual darkness. Grasshopper bravely steps into the darkness and tumbles over a tripwire falling on poison-coated iron spikes in the floor. His control of his body allows him to resist the effects and he heals his wounds. In the chamber past the doorway, he still finds he is in complete darkness, unable to see anything.

The group discusses how to deal with the darkness. Grasshopper tells them about the trap and assures everyone that he is all right. Lakima tells him to use a 10-foot pole next time.

Domago then remembers that he has continual light prepared and he casts it to negate the darkness. The room lights up and they see that the floor is covered in iron spikes each coated in glistening poison. From the doorway, Lakima can use the wand of secret door detection to find a secret door on the far wall. This still leaves the spikes to get past so Lakima casts Luminous bridge and a bridge of light crosses the room over the spikes.

“What strange magic is this?” Aelshara asks in wonder.

Lakima tells her that he knows many obscure and wonderous spells found in his travels and searches of ancient places.

The secret door leads to rough-hewn tunnels along what they have found elsewhere. They follow the tunnel and find an intersection. Picking a direction, it leads to a large cavern and an evil altar before a dark statue. Lakima uses the Glow Minion to remove a metal staff and a metal crown from the statue. He has them placed in the bag of holding without touching them. It occurs to him that he will have to touch them to remove them from the bag in the future.

The altar is found to absorb blood and radiate evil. Finding no other purpose for it they move on and follow the other tunnel. This leads to a strange chamber. Four leering bas-relief statues of demon faces, their mouths agape face into the chamber from each wall. In the center of the chamber, they see a long sword thrust into a crack in the flagstones. Aldus rushes to the sword and examines it.

“Lakima, do you think it is safe to take?” Aldus asks.

Lakima uses his monocle to detect magic and sees that the demon faces and the sword is magical. He cautions Aldus but tells him to go ahead. Aldus takes the sword and examines it closely. It is magnificent in his eyes, perfectly balanced, razor-sharp, and glowing with magic. He realizes that all other weapons are junk when compared to it. He notes Eathwund staring at the sword enviously.

The Cursed Sword

The other adventurers see Aldus carefully examining the sword and extolling its virtues. Then Aldus unbuckles his other swords and tosses them on the floor. Eathwund takes note when Aldus tosses his other magic swords aside like they are junk. He notes that the sword Aldus is holding looks rusty and old.

“Ahh, Domago?” Lakima says.

Domago nods and places a hand on Aldus’ shoulder casting remove curse.

In Aldus’ eyes, the magnificent swords’ true appearance is now visible. It is old, dull rusty, and poorly balanced. He sees Malkin’s blade lying at his feet and quickly picks it up tossing the rusty sword to one side.

“It was cursed my friend,” Domago tells Aldus. Aldus nods and steps away.

Eathwund looks in one of the demon mouths and sees only complete, magical darkness. The group decides to head back to where they started sure that they must have missed something. Lakima uses the arrow of direction and asks for the direction to the lock that the stone key opens. The arrow points southeast. They go as far southeast as they can manage. It takes them back to the chamber of the false lich and the coffins. But they are not able to find any passages heading further south. Grasshopper rechecks the chamber of statues again but finds nothing. Eventually, they decide to rest on it.

“Perhaps we should leave,” Lakima states.

Knowing he is just speaking out of frustration Domago does not argue with him. But he suggests they rest and he will try to commune with St. Aleena and ask for direction. The adventurers make a camp of sorts in the chamber that used to hold the gargoyle statue. After 8 hours of rest, Domago prays and communes with St. Aleena. Everyone waits for him to re-open his eyes.

“St. Aleena tells me we are on the right path. There is a secret door at the end of the hall between the small trapped chambers and the tomb of the false lich. I can lead us there; I can see it in my mind.”

Domago also warns them that St. Aleena foresees more deadly traps and demons to face if they continue on.

Thursday 8 February 2024

The (Fake) Tomb of Horrors

In my Swords & Wizardry campaign right now my players are going through a Swords & Wizardry adventure called One Last Thing published by Frog God Games and authored by Casey Christofferson. I have made a lot of changes for it to fit into my campaign. With the death of a long-time NPC in the group I had the perfect hook for the players. The adventure takes place in the City of the Dead on the river Styx. As a lead I decided rather than having the entrance to the City of the Dead in a cemetary I would put it in the Tomb of Horrors. Not the famous Tomb of Horrors, instead I used the shorter and decidedly less deadly; The (False) Tomb of Horrors by Joeseph Pallai published in Footprints magazine 17. I ran the Tomb of Horrors fairly close to as written.

Session 148: A Friend in Need

Lakima (human magic-user), Eathwund (human fighter), Aldus (human cavalier), Grasshopper (human monk), Domago (human cleric, NPC), Brovin (human thief, NPC), Ian (human cavalier, NPC), August (human magic-user, NPC).

The members of the Company of the Black Dragon have returned to their homes in the town of Edgerton for some much-needed rest and relaxation.

Not all get a good night’s rest, Eathwund has a disturbing dream about the death of their former companion Fenris. Even though he did not see Fenris fall, in the dream Fenris falls to his death right before him just out of his reach. In the morning he tells his companions about the dream.

The Nightmare

“Just a dream, Eathwund,” Domago says.

“I would not dismiss it out of hand,” Lakima says, “Eathwund does have some sort of connection to the land of spirits.”

Lakima asks Domago about his attempt to raise Fenris from the dead shortly after he fell. He asks if it is possible the attempt failed because Fenris died on another Plane. Domago does not think so but he is not sure. He suggests they ask Abbott Marta who has a lot more experience with such things. At the Church of St. Cuthbert, the group meets with Abbot Marta in the garden courtyard. Marta is introduced to the new Company member Grasshopper. He asks Grasshopper about his calling and his sect. Lakima starts to explain their question and then lets Eathwund explain what he experienced. Marta suggests Eathwund might have some guilt over the death – but Eathwund assures Marta that his conscience is clear. Marta then suggests that Domago pray to St. Aleena for direction. Domago nods and says he will return to the Manor to pray. The rest of the group headed over to the Apothecary. At the shop, Lakima asks Malyn who in the area would have the power to create a flying dragon construct.

“You mean aside from the two of us?”

Aldus suggests maybe dwarves could build such a thing. Lakima starts to dismiss the suggestion but Malyn interrupts him and nods that yes dwarves have been known to create constructs. He further tells them of a dwarf hold called Kahzdurga that is located in the Callashiem mountains near where they reported the construct. The hold has been abandoned for centuries but it is a probable source. Lakima asks Malyn if he has a map leading to the hold. He does but he negotiates an equal share of any treasure they find. With that, the group prepares to head back to the manor.

“Don’t forget my share!” Malyn shouts after Lakima.

Back at the Manor house, it is growing late and Domago tells everyone he will turn in early to get a good night’s rest to better prepare to commune with the gods tomorrow.

The next morning, Eathwund reports another dream. This time it was not a nightmare. He recalls following Fenris down a dungeon corridor deep underground. Despite calling for quiet, Fenris starts humming a tune. Eathwund is unable to recall all of the lyrics but he remembers Fenris saying “There do I wait in the city of the dead, where Ankev did fight for his soul.” He has no idea what it means.

“Let’s consult with the librarians,” Lakima suggests.

Domago stays behind to pray to St. Aleena, but Aldus, Lakima, Eathwund, and Grasshopper head over to the Library of Antiquity. They are greeted by their old friend, Amras one of the librarians. He recognizes the name Ankev and he brings them to meet librarian Melos who wrote a paper on it. Melos describes folklore suggesting that an Arch-Lich named Ankev made a deal with Orcus to build a necropolis of lost souls along one of the branches of the river Styx. Whether to capture lost souls, to delay his entry to one of the layers of the abyss, or for some other mysterious reason. At some point Ankev is said to have had a falling out with Orcus and was no more – but Ankev is said to still exist.

“How would we get there?” Lakima asks.

Melos is startled and then replies that they would have to die and be trapped in limbo.

“What a strange question,” Melos says.

Lakima startles the librarian by telling him that he and his friends plan to visit soon to speak with a missing friend.

Returning from the library armed with new information the group meets Domago who tells them his prayers were answered. Fenris is reaching out to them and needs their help.

“I asked where he is and was told he is trapped in the city of the dead often called Ankev,” Domago says.

“We already figured that out,” Lakima says.

“How!” Domago says, “Never mind, I also learned how to reach him, but it will be dangerous.”

Domago tells them that he has learned that there is a portal to Ankev in the Tomb of the Lich Athransma in the Howling Hills. With the mention of the name Anthransma and the Howling Hills Lakima realizes he has heard of it. There is a tomb under the highest hill west of the Cursed Marshes. The tomb also goes by the name Tomb of Horrors because no one who has entered has ever come back out.

“This is a very dangerous undertaking we are contemplating,” Lakima states, “I suggest we put it to a vote.”

One by one they vote with only Brovin voting against. He refuses to consider entering the Tomb of Horrors.

“Don’t worry Brovin, I will protect you,” Aldus says.

“Not only do you plan to enter that tomb but you want to journey to the city of the dead,” Brovin says in exasperation, “Count me out!”

Lakima suggests that they take a few days to prepare.

“Fenris is not going anywhere!”

As they prepare, Aldus arranges to buy a lot of healing potions from Alayna. They do receive a visitor. Lakima meets a middle-aged good wife in the main hall.

“How can I help you?”

“I want you to kill my husband!”

Aldus immediately, chortles and then tells her that they do not do that kind of work.

“But he is already dead,” she says.

Lakima talks to the woman who introduces herself as Shelley Pollock. Her husband, Lyndell, died a month ago. She had him properly buried. But now he is back and he has changed. He smells of death. She eventually took their son and fled to an Inn.

Lakima agrees to at least investigate once Shelley gives him 300 gold coins.

“Domago, you had better come along,” Lakima says, “This sounds like the undead.”

Lakima, Domago, Eathwund, Grasshopper, Aldus, and Brovin head over to the townhouse the woman had indicated. They find a nice, well-kept manor with all of the windows boarded over from the inside.

Brovin finds that the door is locked so Lakima suggests that they knock. Grasshopper knocks loudly on the door but there is no answer. After a short wait, the group decides to enter. Brovin is unable to open the door with his lockpick but Grasshopper figures it out with a twig and some patience.

The group enters and is confronted by a burly man who demands they explain themselves. Their explanations are not met well and the man demands they leave. Lakima argues with the man who calls himself Brenn and claims to work for the owner of the manor. He yells at another man to call for the watch.

“Well call the watch then we would like to speak with them,” Lakima says.

Brenn seems very confused by their seeming indifference to the watch being called. Given that the manor is in High Town two members of the watch arrive almost immediately. One recognizes Lakima and Eathwund and greets them warmly.

“Well, Brenn, up to your old tricks again I see,” the watchman tells the man.

The watchman explains that Brenn and Tibor are too crooks known for breaking into homes and looting them. Brenn claims to have gone straight and he and Tibor now work for the master of the manor. Lakima puts on his Amulet of ESP and listens to Brenn’s jumbled thoughts while he speaks to the watchman. He perceives a confused mind that does not seem to have a clear picture of the master of the house. There is just an overriding need to stay out of the cellar and to protect the cellar from intrusion.

Lakima suggests to the Watchmen that they check the cellar just to be certain. This angers Brenn who suddenly attacks the watchman. A quick-thinking Domago casts a hold person spell on Brenn and freezes him in place. Outside Eathwund is attacked by Brenn’s friend Tibor but Eathwund subdues him with a swift strike to the head with the pommel of his sword.

Lakima tells the watchmen to wait in the parlor while the Company checks the cellar first. Down in the cellar, they find nothing out of place, a lot of wine bottles (Pollock is a wine seller), and a locked iron door in a stone wall. Brovin picks the lock to the door. It leads to a short hallway and another locked iron door. This one Grasshopper is not able to unlock and neither is Brovin. Lakima tells everyone to stand back and then he casts a spell. A stream of green acid sprays from his finger burning away the locking mechanism in a cloud of vapor. The door swings open on its own to show too very surprised vampires. An ancient vampire seated near a coffin and his younger vampire spawn who they assume is the master of the house, Lyndell Pollock. The younger vampire attacks immediately, springing upon Eathwund and biting him in the neck. Eathwund and Grasshopper are able to wrestle the screaming vampire to the floor but not before Eathwund feels his life blood being partially drained from his body. Across the floor, Aldus confronts the ancient vampire who demands they leave or it will deal with them. Aldus takes a swing at the ancient vampire and misses. It does not miss as it grabs Aldus bodily pulls him closer so it can bite him in the throat. Aldus struggles free with a bloody wound on his neck. Eathwund and Grasshopper managed to put down the vampire spawn and Lakima summons a protector to continually hack at the vampire spawn to prevent it from regenerating. Then everyone attacks the elder vampire. The elder vampire turns to mist and vanishes up through the ceiling before they can deal with it.

Hearing a scream from upstairs, Eathwund and Grasshopper run upstairs. Lakima goes over to the coffin and looks inside. He sees a fine silk lining ruined by a layer of dirt in the bottom. Lakima reaches into the bag of holding and takes out two cloves of garlic which he peels and spreads across the soil in the coffin. Lakima instructs Aldus to chop the head off of the vampire spawn and they drag the mutilated corpse up the stairs.

Upstairs, Eathwund, Grasshopper, and one of the watchmen find the second watchman dead on the second-floor landing. The corpse’s throat is torn out. They search the second-floor bedrooms but do not find the vampire. Grasshopper does find some fresh blood in one of the bedrooms. Grasshopper advises opening all of the windows to let in the sunlight. He starts tearing the wooden boards off of the windows. Eathwund joins him. Looking out through the windows they see the sun is only a few hours from setting. Lakima and Aldus come upstairs and learn what has happened. They search the ground floor and open all of the windows. The corpse of Lyndell is dragged out into the sunlight where it bursts into flames. More watchmen arrive on the scene to help search the building.

“It cannot have left the building with the sun in the sky,” Domago says.

“It must be back in the crypt,” Lakima replies.

Lakima, Domago, Eathwund, and Aldus head back downstairs. They find that the door to the hallway is locked again but Grasshopper has no problem opening it again. The door to the crypt is still wide open and they enter to find a furious vampire grasping the side of its coffin, unable to rest and recover. It flings itself at the group but they are able to hack it to the floor. Eathwund removes the head from the body with a well-placed swing of his sword. The elder vampire’s remains are carried upstairs and outside and are flung in the back of a nearby cart. They promptly burst into flames. Soon there is just a pile of ash in a smoldering wooden cart.

Their old friend Sergeant Frans of the Town watch arrives with six more watchmen. Lakima and Domago explain what happened. Frans admits that Goodwife Pollock came to them for help but they turned her away thinking she was crazy. Lakima tells them that the manor is safe now but tells the Frans that the dead watchman should be taken to the Church for safe burial.

“Don’t worry, he will not rise as the dead for days,” Domago tells them.

The group heads back to the manor stealing the cart from beside the building. Lakima gathers up the ashes of the vampire lord and bottles them and gives them to his alchemist wife. Domago looks after Eathwund and Aldus who both suffered a vampire bite. He tells them they will heal but they are going to need a lot of rest.

Eathwund is back up and moving about in three days but Aldus is hit harder by the vampire bite. It takes him seven days to recover. He spends the time lying in bed in his cottage looked over by his wife Norine.

During the enforced wait, Lakima creates a magical charm for each of the adventurers that will be entering the lich’s tomb. He instructs them how to use it. The entire company boards the Cloudstealer and heads southwest for the Cursed marches. After a day of travel, they descend over a clearing and moor the ship. But they stay on board rather than make a camp. Nothing disturbs them. The next day they have a distant encounter with a giant roc but the enormous bird only flies by and observes them as if to satisfy its curiosity before it flies off to the north. Soon they see the tall hill marking the Tomb of Horrors in the distance. From a few miles out the side of the hill looks like it has been reshaped to look like a human skull. Two eye sockets and a nose cavity marking entrances into the side of the hill.

The ship settles several hundred feet out from the hill and they moor it to the ground. The crew, August, and Ian will remain on board the ship. Only five set out for the hill, Lakima, Eathwund, Aldus, Grasshopper, and Domago. As they near the hill they see standing stones arranged below the “nose” entrance in a parody of teeth.

“Why are we here again?” Aldus asks.

Lakima takes the time to explain to Aldus that they need to find a portal to the city of the Dead to find their old comrade Fenris.

They first enter the left eye socket. Grasshopper is unable to detect any traps but he is suspicious so Domago prays for guidance (find traps). He tells everyone that there is a trap in the walls triggered by the doors at the end of the entrance hall. Grasshopper moves forward determined to examine the trap but Lakima calls him back.

“No use in taking the risk,” he says, “Let’s try another entrance.”

The next entrance, the nose, is a very different hallway. Lakima uses his staff of power to cast light and he shines it about the hallway. The walls are covered with faded paintings depicting thieves setting off traps. Pit traps, spike traps, spear traps, collapsing ceilings, and boiling acid. Just about every kind of trap they can imagine and in each painting the dying tomb raiders are depicted in agony.

“Charming,” Domago says.

A path of different colored flagstones leads a winding route down the hall. Domago’s guiding presence immediately detects pit traps along the path. He suggests everyone follow in his footsteps. Domago then leans on his divine guidance to lead the group down the hallway. The hall ends with two doors. Domago tells them it is trapped to open a pit before the doors. Grasshopper goes to work and jams the trap so it will not be triggered. The doors are locked so he has to pick the lock. But behind the door is a blank stone wall. The group realizes the doors are false. Lakima uses the wand of secret door detection and he finds no openings.

“Back to the eye socket,” Lakima says.

Returning to the eye socket they make their way to the end of the hallway. Grasshopper examines the trap trigger on the doors and tells everyone to leave the hall while he tries to disarm it. He succeeds but these two doors also prove to be fakes with a stone wall behind them. Lakima is not able to detect any doors in this hallway either.

“Now what?” Aldus asks.

“We still have the right eye to try,” Lakima says.

The group heads to the right eye and finds another long hall like the left one. Domago’s guidance has expired so Grasshopper checks himself and finds a trigger to a portcullis trap. He jams the trap open with a piece of broken stone. At the end of the hallway, they find an eight-foot-tall statue of a four-armed gargoyle. It is made of grey stone with a horn of ivory screwed into its forehead. Lakima detects a secret door concealed behind the statue. Unsure how to open the door Grasshopper unscrews the horn.

“Can you blow into it making a sound?” Lakima asks.

Grasshopper checks but the horn is only open at one end. Looking at the statue he realizes that the horn will fit in the gargoyle's mouth point first. He pushes it into the mouth and finds that it screws in. As he turns the horn a stone doorway slides open between the legs of the gargoyle.

“A door!”

Everyone has to crawl to get through the small door. On the other side is a wide hallway that curves off into the darkness. At the end of the hallway, they find a blank stone wall. Lakima checks and finds a secret door that he triggers open. The door opens into a large chamber with three items in it. A desk, a large mirror on the wall, and a closed door. Grasshopper checks the desk carefully and opens the two drawers. One drawer is empty but in the other, he finds a parchment with a list of 12 names on it and a comb made of platinum.

“Let me see,” Lakima says and holds out his hand.

Grasshopper gives the items to Lakima. Lakima takes out his magical monocle and examines the room. The parchment, the comb, and the mirror glow with magic. He puts the parchment in his bag of holding but he spends time examining the comb trying to get it to do something. As he stands before the mirror, he hears a disembodied voice.

“Can you hear me, are you there?”

In the mirror, Lakima sees the face of a beautiful elven woman a look of worry in her eyes. Lakima questions the face in the mirror and learns that she claims to be a half-elven adventurer named Aelshara. She has been trapped in the mirror for longer than she can remember. Lakima reaches into the bag of holding to pull out the parchment but his hand comes out of the bag empty.

“Look in the desk drawer again,” Lakima tells Grasshopper.

Grasshopper looks and he finds that the parchment is back in the desk drawer. They look over the names and do see the name Aelshara. The group speaks to Aelshara for a few minutes while she seems to be calling from further and further away. When it becomes hard to hear her another voice calls out. This one is from a man. The face of a bearded older man appears and demands to be freed. Then the face of a goblin appears cackling with delight over some private joke. The goblin claims to know how to free those in the mirror but he wants to be let out first. Aelshara appears again when Lakima calls her name. She tells them that there are twelve of them trapped in the mirror. Some are good and some are not so good. She is afraid of the fire giant who is trapped with them. Lakima asks Aelshara who they can trust and who they should free.

“I would not advise trusting any of us sadly,” a new voice says, “Our captivity has made us all desperate.”

This new voice tells them he will hold off the fire giant and some of the eviller residents of the mirror while they talk to Aelshara. Aelshara tells them this person is the paladin, Sir Allen. Lakima asks Aelshara how she could be freed but she has no ideas. Only the goblin claims to know but no one trusts him. Lakima examines the comb again thinking it must be a key of some kind. But he is reluctant to try combing his hair.

“Give it here, I am not afraid to try it,” Aldus says.

Lakima gives the comb to Aldus and he takes the platinum comb and runs it through his hair. At first, nothing happens, but after a moment his hair begins falling out. Aldus claps his hand to his head and all of the hair on his head falls to the floor. He is completely bald.

“No!” Aldus shouts.

Grasshopper rubs a hand over his cleanshaven head and asks for the comb, “It will save me from having to shave every morning.”

Lakima asks Domago to cast a remove curse spell on the mirror. He does but nothing happens. Then Lakima tries to dispel magic while saying Aelshara’s name. There is a burst of magic and Aelshara tumbles out of the mirror. Eathwund catches her and steadies her on her feet. Aelshara takes a deep breath and marvels at the smell of decay in the dungeon. It was her first scent of something in a long time. She asks for the year in the reckoning of the City of Dolmvay and she learns she has been trapped for 120 years. The goblin in the mirror begins shouting to be let free.

“We will come back for the rest of you later,” Lakima says as a cacophony of voices erupts from the mirror.

As she is in debt to the adventurers and has nowhere else to go, Aelshara decides to join the adventurers.

“What can you do?” Lakima asks.

“I can cast spells and I have a strong sword arm,” Aelshara replies.

“Is that possible,” Aldus asks Lakima.

“It is for elves,” Lakima replies.

Aelshara corrects him and tells him she is only half-elven as the elves are always clear to point out to her. She was raised among humans and knows little of the elves.

The group increases by one, heads through the door, and comes to another locked door. Grasshopper is able to open it. This leads to a small room with no other exits. But they soon find a pair of secret doors. It takes some work but Grasshopper eventually finds that these doors do not have a trigger or locking mechanism they just have to be pushed in the proper spot to open them. One door leads to another room without exits and the other leads to a larger dark room. As soon as Lakima’s light shines in the room they see another, nearly identical, gargoyle statue as the one they saw at the entrance.

Grasshopper moves over to examine the statue as the other adventurers enter the chamber. As he reaches out for its arm, the head turns to regard him, and the gargoyle steps forward clawing at him with four hands. Aelshare casts a slow spell on the gargoyle causing it to move at half speed. This gives the rest of the adventurers a chance to pummel it with swords until it is broken apart and stops moving.

“We should rest here for a moment,” Aldus says as he applies bandages to his wounds. The rest of the group takes a moment to sit down and rest in the tomb of horrors.