One of the things many of the earliest adventures published by TSR noted was what to do when the party of adventurers retreated temporarily from the dungeon to rest and recover. From the notes Gary Gygax included in the Giant series of adventures, this is a common tactic. I have rarely experienced it as a Game Master. I have had a party quit on an adventure and leave because they felt they had accomplished the goal or were in over their heads. They never want to leave and regroup. As a player this makes a lot of sense to me. The monsters who have been attacked in their lair or going to regroup and plan defenses for the returning adventurers. There is little likelihood of stealth entering a dungeon for a second time.
In the Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, my Swords & Wizardry campaign party has experienced battle after battle. They have gained some allies to help with the melee (notably a Storm Giant), but they are injured, the magic user is almost out of spells, and the worst of all, the cleric's staff of healing is almost out of charge. They have decided to retreat and return later. The adventure makes a few suggestions, but it is mainly up to me. This will be tricky because the players decided to retreat just as we closed the evening session. They have yet to make their way out of the dungeon. I might create a before and after map in Roll20, so I have the time to prepare the defenses.
Session 172: The Tunnels of Ice
Lakima (human magic user), Eathwund (human fighter), Aldus (human cavalier), Ambro Feyvine (elven thief), Domago (human cleric NPC), Ian of Darkhollow (human cavalier NPC), Aelshara (half-elven magic user/fighter), Luna (charmed Human Fighter NPC).
The Company of the Black Dragon is exploring the Icefang Glacier's Rift, which is the staging area of the Frost Giants of Jarl Grugnur. The Company has fought its way past the guard posts that line the side of the Rift.
“Which direction now?” Aldus asked Lakima.
Lakima looked about the chamber. The walls were of stone rather than ice but sheets of ice still clung to the walls.
“It looks like we have traveled out of the glacier ice and into the stone mountains of the valley,” Lakima said.
Lakima looked for Ambro and immediately saw the elven thief checking the corpses of the numerous dead frost giants for treasure.
“Ambro, scout ahead,” Lakima said.
Ambro looked up and looked around. She stood up and headed quietly toward the open passage to the south. A tunnel cut through the stone. She returned a short while later.
“The passage heads west but does not break through into the rift. We must be south of the rift in the ice. There is also another tunnel that heads down into the earth and to the south. I can see flickering torchlight at its bottom.”
“Down is usually the right direction, so let's head down,” Lakima said.
The Company formed ranks, with Eathwund, Aldus, and Ian taking positions not far behind Ambro. Lakima, Luna, and Aelshara made up the second rank, and Domago followed closely behind everyone. They turned and descended a sloping stone passage until they arrived in a large cavern lit by four scattered torches.
“Wow! Look at that,” Ambro said, pointing at carvings on the cavern walls.
In places, the rough walls of the natural cavern had been smoothed and carved with murals depicting Frost Giants slaying enemies, hunting dragons, and other fearsome monsters. The carvings appeared to be very old. Four passages led off from the long cavern, but one was purposely blocked by a round boulder.
“If they blocked it off, it must be important,” Lakima said. Give me a moment to check.”
Lakima concentrated and cast the spell wizard eye. A tiny spark of light appeared which drifted off and slipped between the boulder and the rock wall. The rest of the Company waited, watching the shadows warily.
About five minutes later, Lakima sighed and snapped his eyes open.
“There is a White Dragon sitting on a pile of treasure on the other side of that rock,” Lakima said, “It looks to be a mature dragon.”
“Why don’t I check the other passages first,” Ambro said.
She darted quietly down a side passage and soon returned.
“Dead End.”
She got the same result down the next passage she checked. Then was gone a lot longer as she checked the last tunnel. The one furthest to the south. When Ambro returned she told the group that she could see a large cavern with a pair of giant skeletons lying amongst scattered gold coins.
“Did they look to have died peacefully?” Lakima questioned.
“They looked like something killed them,” Ambro said, “I decided not to venture close.”
“Probably killed by a monster, or it could be a trap,” Lakima said.
“The enemy of our enemy could be our friend,” Ambro countered, “I think we should check it out.”
“Who wants to go south, and who wants to fight the dragon?” Lakima said.
The company members seemed undecided. None of them raised a hand. Ambro still wanted to head south.
“I think we should kill the dragon,” Lakima said. This time, Aldus added his support, and finally, Ian and Eathwund also nodded.
Eathwund walked over and looked at the 12-foot-diameter stone boulder. Using the strength of a giant granted by his Girdle of Giant Strength, he shifted the boulder slightly, and it began to roll toward him. Eathwund guided the boulder into the cavern until the passage was clear.
“I am sure it has heard us now,” Lakima said, “Get him!”
Eathwund, Aldus, and Ian ran into the passage with swords drawn and immediately came upon a White Dragon rearing up to meet them. There was a flurry of sword cuts as the Dragons attacks were beaten off, Ambro and Luna helped with a volley of arrows. After a few moments, the Dragon was slashed, pierced, and battered. It timidly slunk down and backed up, seemingly giving up on the fight. There was an enormous roar, and a second White Dragon, this one bigger, appeared around the side of a stone pillar. It launched itself in anger at Aldus and Eathwund.
Lakima began casting a spell. “Get that one,” he pointed at the larger dragon. I’ll take care of the smaller one.” Lakima completed the charm monster spell, and the smaller White Dragon fell under his influence. It moved back completely out of the fight. Meanwhile, Eathwund, Aldus, and Ian attacked the new arrival. The dragon reared up and struck Ian with its long, sharp claws, slicing open the knight's chest.
“No. Ian, get back,” Aldus yelled, renewing his attacks on the White Dragon. Ian remained in the fight, and the larger White Dragon was killed.
“Ian. You should have backed off once you were injured,” Aldus said. Ian slumped against the cavern wall, trying to hold in his ruptured chest. Domago quickly arrived at his side, holding him up. Domago placed a hand on the bloody wound on Ian’s chest and chanted a healing prayer. The wound closed magically.
“You are okay now, Ian,” Domago said.
Meanwhile, Ambro busied herself scooping up gold coins into a cloth sack.
Lakima spoke to the White Dragon in draconic, telling it they were friends and there was no reason to fight. The White Dragon confusedly asked why a friend would kill its mate. Lakima assured it that they were just defending themselves. The dragon then complained that the tiny elf was stealing.
“Ambro. Put the gold coins back. We do not want to steal from our new friend,” Lakima said loudly. Ambro paused and looked at the angry white dragon.
“Fine,” Ambro said.
She dumped most of the gold coins back onto the pile. But she slid a handful of coins into a pouch without anyone noticing.
Lakima continued to converse with the White Dragon in its language while his companions stood nearby, their weapons held at the ready.
“It says that the Frost Giants feed it. It does not seem to leave this cavern very often. It did say that there is an entrance to the Frost Giant lair concealed behind a large boulder.”
“It must be south where I saw the treasure,” Ambro said.
Lakima conversed with the Dragon a little longer and then replied.
“The dragon says that it heard the Frost Giants talking about a trap they laid to the south for any unwelcome intruders. I think that is the treasure and the giant skeletons you saw.”
The group moved back into the large cavern with the murals on the walls, leaving the charmed dragon behind on its pile of treasure. They discussed where to go next. Lakima checked the two passaged with dead ends for secret doors but found none. They headed south and checked a side passage that led to a long-abandoned storage chamber. Again, they found no exits. They ended up back in the entrance cavern.
“Maybe it is somewhere here?” Lakima asked.
“Aelshara and I checked the walls,” Ambro said, “Just stone.”
Lakima took out the Wand of Secret Door Detection and checked the walls. The wand outlined a trigger holding a large boulder in place on the east wall. Hiding a tunnel. Ambro went over and pushed the trigger. The boulder rolled into the cavern beyond a short distance, blocking their view. Two Frost Giants stepped into view, shouting a battle cry and attacking with giant axes. Eathwund and Aldus fought the giants, cutting them down. They heard the sound of a horn blowing. The sound echoed through the cavern.
“They raised the alarm,” Lakima shouted, “Be ready!”
Eathwund and Aldus rushed into the cavern past the boulder, confronting many ogres. Aldus shouted at Ian to stay back and protect the spellcasters.
“Aelshara. Use the wand!” Lakima shouted.
Aelshara took out the wand of Lightning bolts and cast the spell into the mass of ogres. The lightning blasted through the ogres, but they all remained standing. Lakima cast a lightning bolt spell through the same group of ogres; this time, most fell dead. The remaining few turned and ran from the adventurers.
Eathwund and Aldus pushed into the cavern. More ogres joined the fight, and the fleeing ogres suddenly turned and came back toward the fight. They heard the sound of giant footsteps approaching.
“There is something out there that scared the ogres more than we do!” Eathwund warned with a shout.
A cloud giant ducked under the far entrance to the cavern and stood up, surveying the scene. In one hand, it held an enormous boulder that it threw at Aldus. The knight managed to deflect most of the impact away with his shield. Aelshara fired a magic missile at the cloud giant. Lakima threw darts, and Luna fired arrows. Ambro put on her ring of flying and flew up upon the entrance boulder. From here, she fired arrows at the cloud giant. Lakima unleashed another lightning bolt at it. By this time, Aldus and Eathwund had dealt with all of the ogres, and they began to advance upon the cloud giant. The cloud giant retreated from the chamber until backed up by a group of Frost Giants. But Lakima and Aelshara fired more lightning bolts at them, and all of the Frost Giants were killed. Luna and Ambro kept up a barrage of arrows until the Cloud giant toppled over dead with a crash.
“That’s all of them, I think,” Eathwund gasped. He noticed a 10-foot-long horn hanging from the cave ceiling on a pair of chains. He surmised that this was the alarm they heard.
“We will need to be careful. Every giant within a few hundred feet will have heard that horn blowing the alarm,” Eathwund said.
“Domago, check who needs healing,” Lakima said.
Domago went to Aldus and cast a pair of major healing spells.
“I am almost out of the healing spells I prayed for,” Domago said.
“Use the staff,” Lakima said.
“The staff only has 6 charges left,” Domago warned. Everyone paused when they heard that news. Now, only Eathwund would be sure of healing with his ring of regeneration.
Six tunnels led from the area where they had killed the cloud giant. Ambro picked one and scouted ahead. She came back and told everyone that there was another tunnel ahead blocked by a boulder. Lakima, reasoning that there must be something important behind the boulder, suggested they investigate. On the way toward the boulder Aelshara glanced down a passage that led to a well-lit cave.
“I can see a pair of human-sized people in that cave,” Aelshara said.
“Let’s check it out. Careful; they will be in league with Frost Giants,” Lakima said. As the company entered the cave, they saw a giant table, chairs, and several giant beds. Lying on the floor were five human women, all of their hands visibly bound with ropes. One of the women spotted Eathwund and sobbed.
“Prisoners,” Lakima said, “Probably being held for food.”
“Those aren’t women, they are ogres!” Ian shouted at everyone.
“What?” Aldus looked at his squire, wondering if Ian was delusional.
“It’s the sword. Using it, he can see through illusions!” Lakima yelled.
Aldus remembered that they had given Malkin the Mighty’s sword, Truesight, to Ian.
“They’re Ogres!” Ian shouted again.
Eathwund and Aldus believed Ian the second time, readied their swords, and advanced with murderous intent. Seeing that the illusion was not working, the five Ogre-Magi dismissed it and appeared as their true selves, hulking ogres standing over eight feet tall.
The company unleashed their fury on the ogres. Eathwund and Aldus attacked two ogres. Lakima cast a stunning spell, knocking out the ogre leader. Aelshara caught the remaining two ogres in a web spell. Eathwund and Aldus killed the two ogres in melee.
“What about the rest of them,” Ambro asked.
“Kill them,” Lakima said.
Eathwund finished off the stunned ogre-magi, and Ambro and Luna killed the ones trapped in webs with well-placed arrows. Spotting a metal coffer on the table, Ambro used a chair as a ladder and climbed up on the giant table. Eathwund busied himself, checking the corpses. He found a pouch of gems on each ogre. Almost like they had received identical payments. Eathwund went over to Lakima and dropped the pouches of gems in the bag of holding.
“What do you have there, Ambro?” Lakima asked.
Ambro set down the metal box she had been holding. “It’s a puzzle box. These silver, electrum, and platinum leaves on the sides can be slid to open it. But there must be hundreds of combinations. We will never figure it out.”
“Domago. Do you have a speak with dead spell prepared?” Lakima asked.
Lakima asked Domago to raise the dead spirit of the ogres and question him. Once this was done, a ghostly form hovered over the ogre-magi’s corpse. Lakima asked for the combination of the boxes, to which it answered. He asked who was behind the attacks on the humans, and it answered Jarl Grugnur. Then he asked why the ogre-magi were here, and it answered that they had signed an agreement to participate in the war on the humans in return for payment. The spirit then vanished.
Ambro used the combination they had been given, and the lid clicked as the latch was released. She carefully opened the small box. Inside, she saw only darkness.
“There’s nothing?” Ambro said.
“Luna. Put your hand in that box,” Lakima ordered.
The simulacrum of Luna dutifully walked over and put her hand in the box. Her arm disappeared up to her elbow in the tiny box.
“Well. Is there anything in the box?”
Luna pulled her hand back out of the box, but she was holding a cloth sack in her hand. Ambro took the sack and opened it, finding it full of gold coins. Lakima directed Luna to search in the box some more, and she pulled out more bags of gold, a rolled-up and wax-sealed scroll, and a pair of potions. Lakima took the scroll and broke the seal. There was writing on it, but he could not decipher it, so he gave it to Domago.
Domago donned his magic helm, and he was able to read the scroll. Domago told everyone it was an agreement between Jarl Grugnur of the Frost Giants and Emperor Gokeg III of the Ogres. In return for 100,000 gold in gems, the ogre-magi would join forces with those of the giants to attack human lands.
“It is a good thing we intercepted this,” Lakima told everyone.
The company went back to the boulder, blocking a chamber. Eathwund rolled it to one side. Inside was a cave with a table, chairs, and a single bed and dresser. All of the furniture was big enough for a cloud giant. Ambro searched a large chest and found a sack of thousands of gold coins. The sack was stuffed into the bag of holding.
“It's starting to get full again!” Lakima said.
After more exploration, they found another boulder blocking a cave. Eathwund rolled it to one side. Ambro silently slipped inside and saw a giant-sized table with two chairs. On the table sat giant bowls of food that looked fresh. Chained to the far wall of the chamber was a female giant. The giant was far bigger than any giant Ambro had seen before. She quietly slipped back out of the cave.
“There is a huge giant in there. She must be more than twenty feet tall!” Ambro said.
“A cloud giant?” Lakima asked.
Ambro told everyone that the giant did not have the skin color of a cloud giant and she was bigger.
“And she is chained to the wall!”
“You should have said that first,” Lakima said.
The adventurers advanced slowly into the chamber. Lakima signaled to Ambro to question the giant in its language, but the giant spoke as soon as it saw them.
“Humans and Elves. How strange. That is not like Grugnur. Are you his slaves or servants?”
“We are the Order of the Black Dragon!” Lakima said. The giant loomed twenty feet above him. “We are the slayers of Frost Giants and the Great Worm!”
“I have not heard of this Order or this Great Worm. But then, for the past thirty years, I have been living far from here.”
“What brought you here?” Lakima asked.
“The Frost Giants drugged me and brought me here. Usually, they know not to anger my kind. I had come to the mountains to look for my cousin. The Frost Giants captured me, and this fool Grugnur wishes me for his mate. How I hate him.”
“Really?” Lakima said.
“I would help anyone who would free me. I wish to teach Grugnur a lesson!”
“Ambro. See if you can free her,” Lakima said.
Ambro looked up at the chains connected to manacles on the giant’s wrists. She put on her Ring of Flying and ascended 15 feet up to reach them. The Giant reached out toward Ambro in surprise and let her land on her wrist. With a little work, Ambro unlocked both manacles. Then she flew up and landed on the giant's shoulder. The storm giant climbed to her feet. Standing at her full height, she was about twenty-four feet tall.
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The Storm Giant prisoner |
“My name is Uldinia,” she said.
“I will accompany the Order of the Black Dragon!”
Then she walked over to the table and scooped up some food. It was apparent that the Frost Giants had been starving her.
The company set out again with Uldinia in the middle of the group. She stepped carefully to avoid crushing any of her new companions. Despite the caves being the home of giants, she had to duck at several spots in the caves.
Ambro flew down from Uldinia’s shoulder and set out ahead on the ground again. She soon came back to warn the party that there were Frost Giants ahead.
“They have set up barricades and are ready for us,” Ambro said.
“They are not ready for me,” Uldinia said. She picked up an enormous boulder and walked into the cavern. Then she hurled it at the Frost giants who waited behind a barricade they had created. The boulder smashed through the barricade and crushed a Frost giant.
The battle joined, Eathwund, Aldus, and Ian moved forward to attack the giants with sword. Aldus paused and blew the Silver Horn of Valhalla, summoning four berserkers. The party could see one of the Frost giants run off to get more help. He returned a short while later, leading four Fire Giant women and several ogres. Lakima cast a circle of darkness behind the melee to try and prevent more reinforcements from arriving. The fight went well until Uldinia was struck several times by a ballista spear. She directed Aelshara to the ledge in the cavern where a Frost Giant stood with a ballista. Aelshara used a lightning bolt spell to deal with the Frost Giant. Eathwund and Aldus killed the fire giants, and Ian fought a pair of ogres. In the melee, both Ian and Aldus were severely injured. Later, Uldinia and Lakima were also wounded. Once the fight was over, Domago moved about checking on the injured. Unfortunately, he was almost out of spells. Aldus and Lakima decided things were dire enough for them to use their emergency healing potions. Domago used up a few more charges on the Staff of healing.
Ambro headed to a cave that the fire giants had exited. She could hear voices calling for help in a common tongue, and they sounded like human voices. She saw four humans, two men, and two women, behind an iron portcullis.
“There are human prisoners over here,” Ambro said.
“Ian. Go look and make sure they are human,” Lakima said.
Ian then walked over to the cell and looked over the humans while holding his sword Truesight. He could see they were humans. One of the humans looked back at him.
“Hurry, let us out,” the man said, “They plan to eat us tonight, and they could come back at any time!”
Lakima walked up and checked with Ian. Ian nodded. “They won’t be coming back anytime soon. We killed them all.”
Lakima asked who the prisoners were, and he learned that they were a wizard’s apprentice named Olbigo, a pair of caravan guards named Ulein and Ciri Duth, and a thief named Sefi Zua who Ulein had caught.
“Sefi. That is not much of a name,” Lakima said, “Tell me, are you any good to us as a thief, or should we leave you here.”
Sefi pleaded that she was an excellent thief. Lakima told Ambro to let them out. Once freed, the prisoners were anxious about leaving the dungeon. Lakima looked about at the battered party of adventurers. Even the Storm Giant Uldinia looked badly injured.
“I am all out of healing spells,” Domago said, “The staff is almost spent. I think we need to withdraw and recover our strength.
“I am almost out of spells,” Lakima said, “I think you are right.”
“Let’s make our way back to the surface,” Lakima added. There is a safe cave not far from the glacier; we can rest there.”