Sunday 10 May 2020

Solo D&D 5e Jorgin Taw apprentice wizard

Another round of solo play today. This time I am using the Mythic Game Master Emulator Deck again. I am using D&D 5th edition rules and I am running it in the setting of Uresia: Grave of Heaven. I bought the hardbound copy of the setting a few years ago and have never found a use for it before. Solo play offers me a good opportunity to use it. In the Uresia setting, there was a god war 1380 years earlier. At the climax of the war, all of the gods were killed and heaven crashed to the earth in a cataclysm that destroyed civilization. The remnants of the heavens are small continents to large islands set in the sea. Each island has been repopulated and has developed a fairly distinct culture. There are no gods anymore but that has not stopped men from continuing to worship them.

Jorgin Taw

PREGAME: Jorgin Taw is a half-elven first level wizard living in the town of Shadow River on the island of Temphis. He is an apprentice to the human wizard Olbrich. Olbrich has a home in East Corner but Jorgin lives in an apartment above a shop in The Bells. He grew up in the Bells district. He was orphaned and taken in by Brother Benedict of the Temple of Taur (god of the fall). He was raised as an acolyte of the temple. Five years ago he managed to save enough gold to purchase a membership in the Mages Guild. He was apprenticed to Olbrich.
Cold Start Event - Move toward a thread, Release Tension.
Does Olbrich have a mission for Jorgin? Exceptional Yes.
What is that mission? Imprison, Dispute.
Olbrich asks Jorgin to bail a woman out of prison. The woman Tirza Stentz was imprisoned for stabbing a man after a dispute in a game of cards. Tirza is due to be handed over to the Galonite priests for auction as a slave. Olbrich gives Jorgin 100 gold omens to bribe the Jailor to release Tirza.
Does Jorgin make it to the Jail cells without incident? Likely. Yes.
Jorgin makes his way to the Citadel and meets with the Jailor. He asks after Tirza Stentz and suggests (persuasion) to the guard that he would be willing to pay for the woman’s release. The guard takes offense (natural 1) and threatens to imprison Jorgin for attempted bribery. Jorgin apologizes profusely and beats a hasty retreat.
Jorgin comes up with the plan to break Tirza out of prison when she is being transferred to the Golonite priests. Tirza is transferred in a locked wagon along with two other convicts. Guarded by two militia (fighter 1).
Jorgin waits until the cart is in a narrow lane and then he approaches having used Disguise Self to make himself look like the jailor he met earlier. The guards stop the wagon as Jorgin approaches (roll against perception the guards fail). Thinking he is the jailor the guards ask Jorgin why he is here? Jorgin tells them that one of the convicts needs to be questioned immediately and he is to take that convict in hand right now.
Do the guards believe Jorgin’s story? 50/50. No!
The guards tell the Jorgin (in his jailor guise) that this is not proper procedure and they can only release their prisoners to a Priest of Golon. Jorgin casts Prestidigitation and makes a pile of apples of a nearby fruit vendor spill onto the street before the prison wagon. The fruit vendor starts running about with his apprentice causing a commotion. During the excitement, Jorgin uses sleight-of-hand to try and open the door to the cart. He is observed as he fumbles with the lock and one of the guards jumps down from the wagon and yells, “Ere’ What you on about?” Jorgin tells the guards that he was just testing the lock to make sure it was secure. The guard glares at Jorgin and gives the lock a firm pull. “See, Nuttin’ wrong wit it!” The shopkeeper finishes picking up the apples and the guards mount back up on the wagon. One of them turns to Jorgin and says, “Now push off Ralf, or me an’ Irm will be reporting you to the Castellan.” With that, they shake the reins and head off toward the Golon slave pens. Jorgin kicks at a loose apple in frustration and is shouted at by the irate shopkeeper. Dejected, Jorgin heads back to report to his master.  END SCENE.

Expected Scene: Jorgin reports to his Master and comes up with a way to rescue Tirza Stentz off of the auction block. Interrupt! Introduce a new NPC. Return. Bureaucracy.
Jorgin reports his failure to his master Olbrich. Olbrich is displeased but not surprised. “Perhaps, you are not ready yet for important tasks. But I have a task I think even you can manage.” Olbrich gives Jorgin a bulky envelope and tells him to deliver it to Magistrate Kelemon Sandor who works for the Castellan.
It is late so Jorgin heads back to his flophouse to sleep. The next day he gets up and takes the letter to the Kelemen at the Magistrates Hall near the Market.
Is Jorgin waylaid while delivering the letter? Unlikely. Yes!
Who waylays him? Frantically, Glorious?
While on his way to deliver the envelope, Jorgin meets Peric More, an old mage school friend who asks him to join him in a little carousing.  Jorgin is able to beg off and makes his way without incident.
Is Jorgin able to find Kelemen and deliver the package? Yes, Exceptional.
Jorgin asks for Kelemen and is directed to his office. Kelemen seems irritated by Jorgin’s interruption of his morning sword practice. But he quiets when Jorgin hands him the package. He opens it and removes a brass key. He absent-mindedly gives Jorgin 2 gold omens and waves him away. Happy to fulfill the task Jorgin decides to meet up with Peric at the Golden Orbs tavern after all. They enjoy an early lunch washed down with some Brindle’s Ale.
It is late afternoon when Jorgin finally arrives back at his Master’s shop. He is surprised to find a roguish woman waiting in the parlor. “So you’re Olbrich’s clumsy oaf of an apprentice. That business o’ trying to get me out of the wagon was poorly done!” Then the woman laughs and introduces herself as Tirza Stentz. Slapping Jorgin solidly on the back.
Olbrich hears the noise and enters the parlor with an absent-minded look on his face. “There you are, I thought perhaps you got yourself in trouble again.” He looks at Jorgin expectantly. “Well, don’t just stand there I have a job for you to do. Get dressed for travel!” Jorgin nods confused and heads to his rooms to get some traveling clothes. Tirza nods to Olbrich and follows Jorgin out the door. END SCENE.
Remove Thread, Release Tirza.

I put together a summary of the Mythic rules and the Fate Question chart and put it all on a single image so I did not have to consult any rules while playing. Just draw cards. The emulator went smoothly. Although Jorgin struggled to be competent. Jorgin came up with a plan but I just rolled poorly. Luckily, his Master bailed him out and has not booted him out the door yet.

By the end of these two scenes, my character list had 15 names on it.

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