Sunday 28 October 2018

G+ Exodus

The great G+ Exodus

I have not posted to my blog since late September. Why? Well, in the interim Google announced they were killing Google+. According to Google, the social media app had never really caught on. However, amongst the gaming the community it was really popular.  At least I thought so.

I decided to create a website and create content because of Google+. All of my traffic on Blogger was directly related to Google+. The use of communities in G+ is perfect for tabletop gamers. It subdivides the community by play style and ruleset. It is also super easy to post to communities and it posts with an image from your post.

So for a few weeks, I thought about whether to join the exodus to MeWe, stick with G+ to the end or just stop bothering to write. I have decided to give MeWe a try mainly because I enjoy writing and I need somewhere to post it. I do not get a lot of traffic but I usually get around 100 visits per post. Some are less and some are more. I write for myself for the most part but it is nice to share with a few people. No one wants to write in a vacuum.

In the next few days, I will return to writing reviews, adventures and session reports.

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