Part 2: The Lower Caves
The Orcs have given
away their duties of protecting the entrance to the Lower Caves from intrusion to a tribe of
Kobolds. The kobolds have taken the time to scatter traps throughout the Lower
level. Most of these traps are in rooms but in a few locations noted by a “T”
there is a hallway trap. The Hallway traps are a tripwire that triggers a
poison dart trap hidden in the wall (save vs. poison or die).
Wandering Monster
Every two turns the DM
should roll a 1d6 and on a 1 the adventurers encounter a wandering monster from
the table below.
1 Acolyte NA 1-8, AC
2, HD 1, hp 4 each, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1 mace, Dmg 1-6, Save C1, ML 7, AL C, xp
10, THAC0 19, TT U. Acolytes of Itrix.
2 Bandit NA 1-8, AC 6,
HD 1, hp 3 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save T1, ML 8, AL N,
xp 10, THAC0 19, TT U. A straggler from the bandit band.
3 Bear, Black NA 1, AC
6, HD 4, hp 16, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 2 claws/1 bite, Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6, Save F2, ML
7, AL N, xp 75, THAC0 16, TT U. A mascot kept by kobolds.
4 Orc NA 2-8, AC 6, HD
1, hp 4 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp 10,
THAC0 19, TT D. A wandering patrol.
5 Skeleton NA 2-8, AC
7, HD 1, hp 3 each, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 12, AL C,
xp 10, THAC0 19, TT Nil. Some corpses animated by the Itrix temple.
6 Kobold NA 4-16, AC
7, HD ½, hp 3 each, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1 dagger, Dmg 1-4, Save NM, ML 6, AL C,
xp 10, THAC0 19, TT P. Members of the Kobold tribe.
Entering the Dungeon |
Key to the Lower Caves.
(1). The Entry
The rough-hewn stairs descend 20 feet into a
dungeon chamber. There are four wooden doors leading out from the chamber. The
chamber itself has a scattering of debris lying on the floor. Broken wood
crates, barrels and torn fabric. It looks like goods stolen from the village.
If an adventurer has
set off the trip wire trap at the top of the stair, the kobolds in areas 2 and
4 have been alerted and will rush into the chamber to attack.
(2). Guard Chamber
This chamber is a
barracks or sleeping area. There are a number of crude wood beds with thatch
covering them. On the thatch are a mess of wool sheets probably recently taken
from the village. Some clothes hang from wooden pegs pounded into cracks in the
stone block walls.
There are 6 kobolds
resting in this chamber. If they were alerted by noise in area 1, they will
move to attack while the heroes are still in area 1.
Kobolds (6) AC 7, HD
½, hp 3 each, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1 dagger, Dmg 1-4, Save NM, ML 6, AL C, xp 10,
THAC0 19, TT P.
(3). Concealed Vault
This room looks to
be a sleeping area. There is a battered chest of drawers with the drawers
pulled out and the wreckage of a wooden bed. A pile of old rags rests on the
bed. A door to the north appears to lead to a closet.
The closet contains
some rotting, old clothes and robes hanging on wooden pegs. If one of the pegs
is pulled down it is the trigger for the secret door to area 27.
(4). Holding Pens
The room has a rank
smell of sweat and urine. Chained to the west wall are four human men. They
look filthy and malnourished. The men are dressed in rags.
Several Kobolds are in
this chamber guarding the humans. The four men are hunters that were captured
by the orcs and turned over to the kobolds as slaves. If released the men will
plead for food and water. If they are allowed to eat too much, they will become
sick and will have trouble moving.
Kobolds (6) AC 7, HD
½, hp 3 each, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1 dagger, Dmg 1-4, Save NM, ML 6, AL C, xp 10,
THAC0 19, TT P.
(5). Stable
The chamber has
been turned into a stable for some type of animal. There are six stalls on the east
wall made of wood. The chamber smells of urine.
The southern door from
this chamber is trapped. There is a 1-3 on 1d6 chance when the door is opened
of triggering the trap. A trapdoor in the floor in front of the door opens and
drops characters into a pit 10 feet deep filled with 3 feet of water. The cover
of the pit swings closed and locks after 1 round. The wooden trap door can be
smashed with weapons. Treat it as having 12 hit points. If the players try to
smash open the trap door there is a 1-3 on 1d6 chance of attracting a wandering
The stables are used
to house wolves. They are out patrolling right now.
(6). Spoils of war
The room is dark
and smelly. Filling the area are open wooden crates and debris. Torn clothing
litters the floor.
There is nothing in
this chamber. The crates are emptied of goods.
(7). Watch post
The room appears to
be a watch post for the dungeon. There is a table with two chairs in the middle
of the room. Lying on the floor is a dead kobold, face down with a bleeding
wound in his back. Going through the kobold’s tunic pockets is a man wearing
light, brown armor.
The man is a thief, a
member of the band headed by Reginald the Mumbler. The thieves still loyal to
Reg's leadership have decided to make a foray into the caves. This thief, Nivmes, was scouting and got
cut off from the rest of the band.
Bandit (1) AC 6, HD 1,
hp 4, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save T1, ML 8, AL N, xp 10,
THAC0 19, TT U. In a small bag in his pocket are two green gems each worth 50
(8). Green Slime
The secret door
leads to a 20-foot square chamber that appears empty. Even the walls and
ceiling look clean and bare. The floor, however, is covered with green muck.
The green muck is
green slime that the orcs and kobolds use as garbage disposal.
Green Slime (1) AC -,
HD 2, hp 14, MV 3’ (1’), #AT 1, Dmg see note, Save F1, ML 12, AL N, xp 25,
THAC0 18, TT Nil. In a small bag in his pocket are two green gems each worth 50
Green slime can always
be hit but it is only harmed by fire or cold. It dissolves clothes and armor in
6 rounds. Once in contact with skin, it will stick and turn the skin into slime.
A victim will be turned into slime in 4 rounds if the slime is not burned off
(doing half fire damage to the victim as well).
(9). Running Water
As you approach you
can hear the sound of running water. Water rushes out of a small opening
(2-foot square) in the north wall filling a pool with water. It appears to
leave through a similar opening in the south wall. The cave pool filled with
the water looks to be clear and about five feet deep.
The water is clean and
cold, safe to drink. There is a crack in the south wall just as you enter the
chamber. The first person to enter the cave will trigger a trap that fires a
jet of flame out of the crack in the wall. If will burn anyone in front of the
crack for 1d10 points of damage. There is ash on the floor and around the crack
that is visible if the heroes are checking carefully.
(10). Latrine
The room is walled
in stone blocks covered in a sheen of moisture. There is a 3-foot high wooden
bench along the southern wall. Small holes have been cut into the top of the
bench in a row. The stench of waste in this chamber is overpowering.
The latrine of the
(11). Secret Door
Two passages end in
secret doors at this spot in the dungeon. The doors are found normally (1 on
1d6 for most). The trigger on each side is a small stone in the wall that is
depressed. The secret doors are clearly visible from inside the room. The room
between the doors is empty.
(12). Trap / Secret Door
The passage ends in
a small chamber. There is a battered statue of an elf holding a short bow in
the center of the chamber. The elf’s arrow is pointed at the north wall.
Upon closer
examination, players will note that the statue can be rotated. It will take a
combined strength of 25 to turn the statue. If it is turned to face south a
click will be heard and the secret door to area 13 will open. The giant ant
located at area 13 will attack immediately.
(13). Ant ambush
As soon as the door to
this secret room is opened a giant Driver Ant will lumber out and attack.
Driver Ant (1) AC 3,
HD 4*, hp 20, MV 180’ (60’), #AT 1, Dmg 2-12, Save F2, ML 12, AL N, xp 125,
THAC0 16, TT Nil. The ant will attack relentlessly and fight to the death.
There are several
broken bones scattered about the floor of the chamber. They are humanoid and
some could be human. They are all broken up so it is hard to tell.
(14). Doppelganger
This room appears
to be a meeting area or speaking area. Wooden benches face a podium and lectern
near the north wall. The room is well lit by a lantern held in the hand of a
tall man dressed in leather armor. The man has a bushy red-bearded face and
smiles as he sees you revealing a mouth missing almost all of his teeth.
The man is actually a
doppelganger. He will smile at the players and ask what took them so long, how
did they get separated from the group. The man appears to think the players are
bandits’ part of his band. If he is asked his name, he will grow confused
realizing they are not bandits. He will attempt to cover up his error by
demanding to know who they are and warning them that his large group of bandits
is a short distance away. If he can work his way into the group of heroes he
will, he will attempt to avoid most fighting. If he gets a chance to get a hero
alone, he will attack and replace him.
Doppelganger (1) AC 5,
HD 4*, hp 21, #AT 1, Dmg 1-12, Save F10, ML 10, AL C, xp 125, THAC0 16. Immune
to sleep and charm spells. It can shape change to resemble any humanoid
creature up to 7 feet tall. Because it assumed the players were thieves it has
taken the appearance of Reginald the Mumbler.
He is armed with a short sword but it is part of the shape change. Use
the 1-12 damage if he attacks.
(15). Art Room
The large room is
decorated with three tapestries. The tapestries each depict a large black
dragon, at war, sleeping, and flying.
These are idealized
portrayals of Scatha, the black dragon. Scatha is not actually this big. The
tapestries suggest an enormous dragon 50 feet long.
(16). Storage
This large chamber
is currently used for storage. There is at least a dozen, square wooden crates
stacked along the east wall.
The crates are
recently places here. They are marked as the property of Noss Shipping. Inside
the crates are trade items useful to the town of Carlion. These include
blankets, clothing, nets, fishing rods, candles, soap, etc. Hidden amongst the
contents is a brown sack that contains 90 gold coins.
(17). Amused Orc
There is a large
mirror on the west wall of this chamber. Also, in the chamber is a table with
two drawers, an open wooden chest, and a chair. Clothes spilled out of the wooden
chest. Standing before the mirror is an orc holding a red, women’s dress up
before it so it can see the effect in the mirror.
Orc (1) AC 6, HD 1, hp
7, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp 10, THAC0 19,
TT D. The orc was part of a wandering patrol and decided to snoop.
(18). Gas Trap
There are two racks
against the east wall between a pair of doors. Four spears rest in the rack.
There is a bottle of
poisonous gas resting behind the blade of one of the spears. It is not visible
from the front. If the spear is removed the bottle will fall to the ground and
break. Gas will spill forth and fill the chamber with a greenish-yellow cloud.
All those within the cloud must Save vs. Poison or die. The gas remains for 6
(19). Arrow Trap
There are two racks
against the east wall. Two spears and two crossbows rest in the rack.
There is a trip wire
stretched across the entrance to this room at the top of the stairs. It is
connected to the two crossbows. If it is not noticed a character climbing the
stairs will break the wire. Both crossbows will topple to the floor and fire at
the stairway entrance. This should be treated as a pair of attacks by a 2 HD
monster (THAC0 19). The bolts do the standard 1-6 damage.
(20). Magical Chamber
The room is
octagonal in shape with each wall being 5 feet long. The ceiling in the room is
domed reaching a peak of 15 feet overhead. On each of the octagonal walls, there
is a painting of what appears to be four different gods, three male visages and
one female. In the center of the room, there is an iron-bound chest. Lying on
the ground near the chest are two charred orc bodies.
If anyone touches the
chest in the center of the room, they will be struck by a lightning bolt
emanating from the ceiling. The bolt of electricity does 2d6 damage. On the
second round, after anyone enters the chamber, the dome will begin to glow red.
A voice will call out, “Who goes there?” The dome has an enchantment cast on it
to be an oracle. The voice can answer simple questions. It does not know much
about the current situation in the Caves having been created on a whim by a
wizard many years ago. It does know that the paintings represent Nis (Law),
Nebus (Judgement), Vaion (Rivers), and Irus (childbirth). It is aware of the
Temple of Itrix to the north and that orcs inhabit the caves.
The chest contains 156
copper and 45 silver coins. It is a collection box for those gifting the
(21). Well Room
This round chamber is clearly a well-room. In the center of the room is a ten-foot in
diameter hole. There is no barrier around the hole. Lining the wall are a dozen
clay pots. Four men are holding a rope that descends into the hole at the end
of which is another man climbing down (or up). Another man
directs the proceedings from across the well.
The six men are
bandits, part of Reginald’s band. These men are currently loyal to Ikalis and
have been directed to search the well. The well descends 20 feet to the water
level. Just a few feet above the water level is an apparent opening on the
north wall. An almost completely flooded room. In this room, there is a
submerged iron chest (8 feet under the water). The chest contains 80 gold coins
and a Crystal ball.
Bandits (6) AC 6, HD
1, hp 3 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save T1, ML 8, AL N,
xp 10, THAC0 19, TT U. The bandits will tell adventurers that they are men from
Carlion who have come to avenge the village. They have not put a lot of thought into the
ruse and can be caught out fairly easily.
(22). Temple Cloakroom
This chamber has a
number of wooden pegs on the walls from which hang more than a dozen black,
cleric robes. There are also two wooden benches and a large trunk.
The cloaks are the
standard robes for the clerics of Itrix. In the trunk are four pairs of
slippers, 3 tassels to cinch the robes and a green robe that looks oddly out of
place (an Elven Cloak).
One of the wooden pegs
can be twisted clockwise to open the secret door to area 20. The clerics of the
temple are unaware of the secret door.
(23). Temple of Itrix
Against the north
wall of this chamber is a stone altar five-feet long and three-feet high. The
altar is stained brown with dried blood. A blood red carpet extends across the
chamber in front of the altar. Behind the altar is a bronze symbol of the sun.
Two braziers of stone rest against the west wall. Four robed figures stand
before the altar, one appears to be holding a curved, ritual dagger. A man in
rags is being held down on the altar by the other three robed figures.
The four men are
clerics of the evil god Itrix. Ikalis has convinced them to support his plans
of local domination in return for captives they can sacrifice for the favor of
their evil god.
The man on the altar
is Ragnar Bonde one of the captives takes from Carlion. He has the statistics
of a normal man.
Clerics (4) AC 2, HD
1, hp 6 each, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1 mace, Dmg 1-6, Save C1, ML 7, AL C, xp 10,
THAC0 19, TT U. Acolytes of Itrix.
(24). Temple Guards
This chamber is
unfurnished bare stone. There are six humans standing in the chamber rocking
slightly back and forth. The humans are dressed in rags, carry spears and their
skin is a sickly, rotted grey color. Some of the “men” have obvious grievous
wounds that hang open with no sign of blood.
The men are zombies
raised by the clerics of Itrix to serve as guards. They will attack anyone who
enters this chamber who is not wearing a black robe.
Zombies (6) AC 8, HD
2, hp 12 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 12, AL C, xp
20, THAC0 18, TT Nil.
If Ragnar Bonde is
with the adventurers, he will recognize one of the zombies as Nils Mossing who
was a resident of Carlion and the local cobbler.
(25). Spider
As you look into
this room you can see an enormous spider.
The spider is near the center of the room beside a large, wooden box
with a closed lid. The spider starts to scuttle toward you clicking its
The enormous spider is
a magical giant tarantella.
Tarantella (1) AC 5,
HD 4*, hp 22, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 bite, Dmg 1-8 + poison, Save F2, ML 8, AL N,
xp 125, THAC0 15, TT Nil. The bite of a tarantella causes damage and painful spasms
which resemble a frantic dance. The victim of a bite must save vs. poison or
start dancing. Anyone watching the dancer must save vs. spells or start dancing
in the same way. Dancing victims have a -4 to hit and when attacked the
attacker gains a +4 to hit. The effect lasts 2-12 turns. Victims will drop from
exhaustion in 5 turns and will be helpless if attacked.
The wooden box is
unlocked, inside is a suit of plate mail +1, a shield +1 and a bag with 35
silver coins.
(26). Meeting area
Many doors lead
into this large chamber. The ceiling is a 20-foot-high dome resting on the
10-foot-tall stone walls. At the peak of the ceiling, the stone is cracked and a
small opening seems to lead outside. In the center of the room is a smoldering fire pit. Stone bricks have been placed in a rough 6 foot in diameter circle to
contain the embers. Mismatched chairs and tables are placed around the firepit.
Against one wall is a pile of broken wooden doors.
This is a resting area
that the orcs and kobolds use.
(27). Kitchen
This chamber is a
cooking area. There is a large cooking fire in the middle with a spit. The fire
is long gone cold. On the east wall, there are a number of wooden boxes stacked
double high. There is a sound of running water from the west.
The wooden boxes
contain rotted foodstuffs. It looks to have been left unattended for several
(28). Running Stream
The sound of
running water is very loud in this chamber. Water runs from a hole in the north
wall and out through another hole in the south wall. The floor of the chamber
is tilted down into the water and back up on the other side. The water does not
appear very deep. Stranded on the other side of the water is a 3-foot-long
black beetle. There is also a wooden chest lying against the west wall.
The beetle fell into
the stream upriver and managed to crawl out in this chamber. It is quite
agitated and will attack anyone approaching it.
Oil Beetle (1) AC 4,
HD 2*, hp 14, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 bite + special, Dmg 1-6 + special, Save F1,
ML 8, AL N, xp 25, THAC0 17, TT Nil.
The oil beetle can
squirt out an oily fluid at one of their attackers at a range of 5 feet. If the
oil hits it raises painful blisters, causing the victim to fight with a penalty
of -2 to hit. This can be cured by a cure light wounds spell or it will
go away after 24 hours.
The chest is unlocked
and contains 130 silver coins.
The Oil Beetle |
(29). Old Armory
This room is a
crude armory or weapon storage area. There is a wooden table with a pile of
bent, broken and twisted spears lying upon it. A pair of daggers sticking out of a
wooden board attached to the north wall. Two wooden staves lean against the
west wall.
All of the weapons are
broken, rusty and useless.
(30). Pendulum Trap
There is a wooden
crate lying unattended in the middle of the room. There is a 2-inch-wide crack
in the north wall that extends from the ceiling to the floor of the chamber.
Recently added wooden posts and beams have been added to this chamber to shore
up the ceiling.
Inside the 2’ square
crate is a single piece of paper. Scrawled in charcoal on the paper is a
headless body with “X”’s through its eyes.
A huge metal ball on a
metal chain will swing out of the ceiling with a good chance of hitting anyone
in the chamber. All heroes in the chamber must make a Dexterity check to duck
aside. Those that fail the check are struck for 2d4 points of damage.
(31). Barracks
This room is
clearly a barracks, several wooden bunks line the walls and there is a rough,
wooden table surrounded by six plain, wooden chairs. On the table, there are
several melted candles, a knife, and a few playing cards.
There is nothing of
interest in these Orc barracks. The playing cards are crudely drawn.
(32). Lever Room
This chamber is
empty of furniture. On the north wall, there are 3 metal levels. All of the
levers are in the up position. They do not appear to be connected to anything.
The levers are magical
and ring alarm bells in different parts of the dungeon. If a level is pulled
down, a deep bell will be heard somewhere in the distance. The same thing is
heard for each level but each seems to come from a different part of the
dungeon. Pushing the level back up ends the ringing.
The western level
rings a bell in room 4, the middle level rings a bell in room 35 and the last level
rings a bell in room 36.
(33). Dungeon Guardian
The entry from the
north is blocked by a frayed curtain that parts in the middle. The door to the
hallway is barred from the inside.
The room beyond is
a simple bedchamber. There is a bed with covered in sheets, a small table with
chairs and a large fur on the floor. Two large, open trunks rest on the floor.
Wooden beams stretch across the ceiling. A woman in a dark dress stands with
her back to you, she is bent over a wooden cane. Here long hair cascades down
her back and seems to move about as you watch.
The woman is actually
a medusa. Ikalis hired her to be a guardian of the lower dungeons. The trunks
contain her clothing, bedsheets, and furs. Under the straw mattress on the bed
are a leather sack holding 45 gold coins and 3 rubies worth 500 gold each.
Medusa (1) AC 8, HD
4**, hp 28, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 1 snakebite + special, Dmg 1-6 + poison, Save F4,
ML 8, AL C, xp 175, THAC0 15. The medusa has a +2 on saves vs. spells.
A medusa has snakes
growing from her head instead of hair. The sight of a medusa will turn a
creature to stone unless the victim saves vs. Turn to Stone. The bite of the
snakes is poisonous (save vs. poison or die within 1 turn). The group of snakes
may only attack once per round.
A medusa can be safely
looked at in a mirror or reflective device. If a medusa sees itself in a mirror
it must save vs. Turn to Stone or petrify itself. Anyone trying to attack a
medusa without looking at it must do so at -4 to hit. The Medusa gets a +2 to hit
against creatures trying to avoid its gaze.
The Medusa |
(34). Lookout
This chamber is
noticeably colder than other areas of the dungeon. There is a rickety wooden
scaffold with a ladder pushed against the south wall. The scaffold platform is
ten feet overhead. The ceiling of the chamber is 20 feet overhead. On the
scaffold platform is an orc with a short bow. The orc is looking out a window
in the south wall at a height of 15 feet up the wall.
The window is 2 feet
tall and 1 foot wide. It provides a view down the side of the mountain
overlooking parts of the path up from Carlion in the valley below. The pool
outside the dungeon is not within the view of the lookout. The orc is on guard and his attention is on
the valley. If he is alerted, he will kick over the ladder and open fire with
his short bow.
Orc (1) AC 6, HD 1, hp
6, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short bow, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp 10, THAC0
19, TT D. He will bellow a warning in orcish hoping to alert the orcs in the
guardroom (35).
(35). Watch room
There are two
tables surrounded by crude benches in this room. Seated on the benches are five
orcs. Only one of the orcs appears to be awake.
The orcs have the potential of being alerted by the orc in area 34 or the ringing of the alarm.
If this is the case the orcs are positioned to either side of the eastern
entrance and attack with surprise.
Orcs (5) AC 6, HD 1,
hp 5 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 club, Dmg 1-4, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp 10,
THAC0 19, TT D. They are armed with wooden clubs.
(36). Guard Room
This small chamber
has a wooden table and two chairs. One chair lies on its side. There is nothing
else in the chamber.
This is a guardroom
but the orc guards have been moved to area 43.
(37). Temple Quarters
Several doors enter
this chamber and the room has four comfortable looking beds which seems out of
place considering what you have seen in this dungeon. There is a wooden trunk
at the foot of each bed.
This is the living quarters
for the priests of this temple of Itrix. There is clothing in the wooden
(38). Altar to Itrix
Eyes are
immediately drawn to the statue of a demon against the east wall. The statue is
at least twelve feet tall and depicts what you assume is a demon with goat feet
and head. A single row of 3 wooden benches faces the statue. A small, stone
altar sits before the statue. Chained to the south wall are six humans in rags.
Two humans in black robes are kneeling before the altar.
The two clerics are the
high priest Orjun and Pheklios the primary acolyte. They will be found kneeling
in prayer even if noise has alerted them to the adventurer’s presence. But they
could be surprised. The humans chained to the wall are destined to be
sacrificed. They are travelers waylaid on the road to Carlion.
Orjun (1) AC 2, HD 3**,
hp 18, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1 staff, Dmg 2-12, Save C3, ML 12, AL C, xp 65, THAC0 16.
He is armed with a Staff of Wounding. It does 2d6 points of damage on
each hit in which a charge is expended. It currently has 6 charges
remaining. He also knows the spells Light
and Protection from Good. He has a gold pendant around his neck depicting
Itrix. It is worth 400 gold. He is wearing plate mail armor. He is about 60
years old and does not move very well.
Pheklios (1) AC 2, HD
2*, hp 14, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 mace+1, Dmg 1-6+1, Save C2, ML 7, AL C, xp 25,
THAC0 17. He is armed with a mace +1. He wears chainmail and has a ring
of protection +1 on his left hand. He knows the spells cause light
wounds and darkness. He has two non-magical rings on his right hand
(worth 300 gold each). His belt is made of leather with silver inlaid and is
worth 200 gold. He has a pouch with 4 gems in it worth 50 gold each. Pheklios
is not a dedicated follower and will surrender if Orjun is killed. He has been
stealing from the temple which explains the wealth he carries.
The statue of Itrix
has rubies for eyes that are worth 400 gold each. On the altar is a silver dagger
with a gold sheath covered in gems. It is worth 700 gold.
The human captives are
the family of Baran (NM age 54) and his wife Onara (NM age 42). Their children
Fingola (NM age 16) and Aileen (NM age 14). The fifth captive is their hired
guard Fiac Wodde (F1 age 22). Fiac is
willing to lead the family out of the dungeon if they are released. They have
not eaten in three days.
(39). GateKeeper
The stout wooden door
to this room has a viewing slot at eye level that cannot be opened from the
outside. If heroes try the door, they will find that it is barred from the
inside. In the room is the Orc gatekeeper. He will open the slot even someone knocks
on the door. Given the number of human bandits in the dungeon, he might be
tricked in believing that the heroes are bandits working for Ikalis. There is a
lever in this room that is used to open the portcullis at area 40. There is no
password, the orc just needs to be convinced that the heroes work for Ikalis.
The orc speaks common, orc and goblin.
The room is lightly
furnished with a rug, a filthy tapestry on the wall depicting a tiger, a crude
bed covered in dirty blankets, a desk and two chairs. There is a lever in the
middle of the floor that is currently facing north at a 45-degree angle.
The level needs to be
pulled south to open the portcullis. Under the bed is a wooden box, with 23
silver coins and 12 gold coins in it.
Orc (1) AC 6, HD 1, hp
8, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6+1, Save F1, ML 10, AL C, xp 15,
THAC0 19, He gains a +1 to damage due to his strength.
(40). Gate to the Upper Dungeons
Further passage
east is blocked by a portcullis. There is no clear way to open the portcullis
and the thick metal bars look well used.
The gate can be opened
from area 39. Heroes can try to bend the bars of the gate but at least 4 bars
would have to be bent just to allow a thin hero (elf or halfling) to pass
through. There is no way to raise the gate from the other side.
(41). Watch Room
This room is
furnished with six chairs a table and ten simple cots. There is no one in the
room currently but it looks like it was recently occupied.
This is the sleeping
chamber for the orcs guarding the entrance to the upper dungeon.
The orcs that will
ambush heroes in area 42 come from this room. If the ambush is in the northern
hall they will come out behind the heroes through the north door. If the ambush
is in the southern hall, they will come out in front of the heroes through the open
Orc (8) AC 6, HD 1, hp
3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 8, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL
C, xp 10, THAC0 19, TT D.
(42). Orc ambush
At these points on the
map, heroes will be ambushed by orcs coming out of area 43.
Orc Ambush |
(43). Secret Guard Room
This chamber is a
guard room. There are two small, wooden tables, several stools and a weapon rack
against the east wall. A brazier in one corner with hot coals burning in it
keeps the room warm.
There is no one using
this chamber currently.
The adventure
continues in the Upper dungeons of the Colossal Caves.
The Dungeon Map |