I have been away all summer but I finally got around to posting the rest of the Colossal Caves dungeon. I made a couple of changes from the original where I felt it needed some work.
Part 3: The Upper Caves
The Red Claw tribe of
Orcs have made their home in the Upper Caves. Some mercenary monsters hired by
Ikalis (and Ikalis himself) can be found in this upper level. Also, a band of
the previous inhabitants is making their presence known.
Wandering Monster
Every two turns the DM
should roll a 1d6 and on a 1 the adventurers encounter a wandering monster from
the table below.
1 Acolyte NA 1-8, AC
2, HD 1, hp 4 each, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1 mace, Dmg 1-6, Save C1, ML 7, AL C, xp
10, THAC0 19, TT U. Acolytes of Itrix.
2 Bandit NA 1-8, AC 6,
HD 1, hp 3 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save T1, ML 8, AL
N, xp 10, THAC0 19, TT U. A straggler from the bandit band.
3 Ghoul NA 1-6, AC 6,
HD 2*, hp 14, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 2 claws/ 1 bite, Dmg 1-3 all + special, Save
F2, ML 9, TT B, AL C. Any attack by a ghoul that hits will paralyze the victim
unless a Save vs. Paralysis is passes. Paralysis lasts 2-8 turns (remember
Elves are immune).
4-6 Orc NA 2-8, AC 6,
HD 1, hp 4 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp
10, THAC0 19, TT D. A wandering patrol.
Key to the Upper Caves.
(44). Alcove
Off to the side of the main passage is a
10-foot square alcove filled with sacks full of garbage. A huge, filthy
humanoid creature is sprawled out amongst the garbage apparently asleep.
The creature is an ogre hired by Ikalis to supplement the Upper Caves
defenses. It is either asleep or pretending to be asleep (if the heroes have
made a lot of noise fighting orcs in area 42).
Ogre (1) AC 5, HD 4+1, hp 28, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 1 club, Dmg 1-10, Save
F4, ML 10, AL C, xp 125.
Hidden amongst the garbage are the Ogre’s pay, 55 gold, and 175 silver
Ogre Ambush in the Hall |
(45). Meeting Hall
The passage opens into a large, open hall that
has a large wood table down the center with about 30 chairs placed around it.
Many of the chairs are broken and the table is covered in food debris. Four
large tapestries hang on the walls. They appear out of place here, depicting
knights and ladies in castle towers. All of the tapestries have been crudely
defaced with red paint. Standing about the table near the center of the room
are five orcs.
Orc (5) AC 6, HD 1, hp
5 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp 10, THAC0
19, TT D.
(46). Kitchen
There is a large stone fireplace on the west
wall. Two large iron pots rest over the flames. A bubbling, brown broth is
cooking in the pots. Four orcs work in this chamber, chopping up strips of meat
and tending the fires.
The orcs are cooks for
the clan but they will quickly move to attack intruders.
Orc (4) AC 6, HD 1, hp
5 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 meat cleaver, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp 10,
THAC0 19, TT D.
(47). Barracks
This room is a barracks. Bunks of rough wood
with straw pallets line the walls. A table near the west wall has a padlocked
footlocker resting on it.
There are 6 orcs in
this room. They could be sleeping if the heroes have been quiet or they could
be ready to attack once the door opens if the heroes have been noisy.
Orc (6) AC 6, HD 1, hp
5 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp 10, THAC0
19, TT D.
The padlocked chest is made of hardwood with metal brackets. The lock
is protected by a poison needle trap (save vs. poison or receive 2 HP damage).
(48). Store Room
This oddly-shaped chamber has a low ceiling
that slopes to the west and east corners. The room is packed to the ceiling
with wooden crates. Many of the crates are broken open spilling their contents
on the floor. Amongst the debris is a dozen broken spears. There is a narrow
path through the chamber from south to north.
Most of the crates are marked with the Noss Shipping stencil. If the players want to take a turn to search
allow them to find one useful equipment item per turn searched for a maximum of
5 turns.
Useful Items
50’ of rope.
3 spears.
4 staves, there is a 1 in 6 chance that one staff is a Staff of
6 slingshots.
3 shortswords.
1 suit of chainmail human-sized.
5 oilskin cloaks.
2 swords, one of the swords is a cursed Sword-1.
1 broken looking glass. Hidden inside is a Ring of Water Walking.
(49). Conflict
This looks like another barracks. There are
four bunk beds made of crude wood with straw pallets. There is also a table and
three stools, two of which are knocked over. Lying on the floor are four orcs
pierced with many wounds. Searching the dead orcs are two men. Four more men
keep watch.
Bandits (6) AC 6, HD
1, hp 3 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save T1, ML 8, AL N,
xp 10, THAC0 19, TT U.
The bandits are members of Reginald’s band who have remained loyal
to their leader.
(50). Thieves Ambush
This chamber is a
storeroom. Large, wooden crates are stacked along the north and south walls
almost to the ceiling. There is a narrow, path through the center of the room
free of crates.
The path through the
chamber is between 6 and 8 feet wide. All of the crates are still closed,
although close examination will reveal that they have been opened and hammered
back shut. The crates are full of wool blankets, they were part of a shipment
bound for Carlion.
Hidden behind the
crates with a clear view of the chamber are six bandits and their leader
Reginald the Mumbler. They will ambush anyone entering the chamber. They are
armed with short bows and short swords.
Bandits (6) AC 6, HD
1, hp 3 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short bow or 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save
T1, ML 8, AL N, xp 10, THAC0 19, TT U.
Reginald the Mumbler
AC 6, HD 2, hp 14, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 1 sword, Dmg 1-8, Save T2, ML 9, AL N, xp
35, THAC0 17. He has a pouch with 20 gold, 40 silver and 2 gems worth 50 gold
Reginald is middle-aged with short red hair and a bushy beard. He has almost no teeth and mumbles
because of it. He does not appreciate being called the Mumbler.
(51). Barracks
This area is a barracks. Several bunk beds line
the walls. The bunks are made of rough-hewn wood and have simple straw pallets.
There is a table in the center of the room with a lit candle resting on it.
This area is a bunkroom for orcs who are out on patrol.
(52). Red Claw Chieftain
The secret door
slides open to reveal a small, unlit room. There is a single bed against the
east wall. Along the north wall are four wooden crates that have been opened.
Furs spill out of the crates. There are a table and a chair in the center of the
room. A candle on the table is lightly smoking.
This secret room is
the sleeping area for Tarak Bonebreaker the Red Claw tribe chief. He is
concealed along the south wall. If anyone enters, he will attack from behind
with surprise.
Tarak Bonebreaker AC
6, HD 2, hp 14, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 sword, Dmg 1-8+1, Save F2, ML 10, AL C, xp
35, THAC0 17. He has a belt pouch containing 24 gold coins.
The crates are full of
furs that were stolen from Carlion. They are worth about 150 gold but are
difficult to carry.
(53). Red Claw bodyguards
Listening at the door, players will hear two orcs loudly arguing about
who is responsible to tell Tarak that human thieves have been seen in the
This chamber is well lit from a lantern resting
on a table. Two orcs are loudly yelling at each other in their native language
in the center of the room. Around the room are piles of dirty clothes, blankets, and furs.
Orc Bodyguards (2) AC
6, HD 1, hp 6 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C,
xp 10, THAC0 19, TT D.
The piles of clothing and furs are filthy and serve as beds for the two
orcs. Hidden amongst the mess is a golden belt worth 150 gold that one of the
orcs managed to hide from the chief.
(54). Secret Chamber
This small chamber
has no lighting. Each wall is bare stone blocks. It appears to be a dead-end.
There are 3 secret
doors in this chamber. Each is operated by a separate loose stone that needs to
be pressed in.
(55). Antechamber
Two weapon racks
full of spears rest against the walls in this chamber.
The spears are all
functional but none of them are special.
(56). Dragon’s Horde
An alcove off from
the main cavern has been widened and stone walls have been built to protect it.
There are three rectangular, stone basins lying on the floor. The glint of gold
gleams from the basins.
Anyone examining a
basin closely will notice that it is indeed full of gold coins, but that the
coins are sunken in about six inches of clear liquid. The liquid is black
dragon acid. It causes 1d6 points of acid damage per round in contact with it.
All three basins are the same. Each holds 200 gold coins.
(57). Display Room
Resting against the
east wall of this room are two armor-clad skeletons. The armor on the skeletons
is corroded and pitted as if it was sprayed with acid.
These are the remains
of two brave heroes who tried to kill the black dragon. They have been here for
only a month but the dragon’s acid breath boiled off their flesh and left clean
(58). The Wizard
Near the entrance
to this large, room there are four skeletons seated on stone biers. The
skeletons hold shields and spears and appear ready to leap up and attack. The
far end of the room is filled with a light, blue smoke that gets thicker as it
comes closer to the source, an ornamental brass smudge pot. Blue-green flames
leap from the pot producing the blue smoke. Standing before the pot clutching a
staff is a black-robed wizard with his back to the entrance.
This is the wizard
Ikalis Blackflame. He is busy with an alchemical experiment but he will be
aware of intruders once the skeletons stand up and attack.
Ikalis Blackflame AC
8, HD 5, hp 16, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 1 staff+1, Dmg 1-4+1, Save M5, ML 10, AL C,
xp 400. Spells: Magic Missile, Darkness, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Hold
Ikalis will cast
spells at the heroes while the skeletons hold them at bay in melee. Hold
Person, Magic Missile and Mirror Image are his first three choices.
If the heroes get close, he will use Darkness and Invisibility to
escape. He will only fight with his Staff+1 in melee as a last resort. In
a belt pouch, Ikalis has 4 x 100 gold rubies.
Behind the smudge pot
is Ikalis’ work area and sleeping area. Two wooden tables, three wooden chairs,
a wooden bed with clean sheets, a nightstand with a bottle of wine resting on
it and a plate with several kinds of cheese and strips of meat. The room is well-lit but four lanterns. There
is a large, iron-bound travel chest at the foot of the bed. It is pad-locked
and Ikalis has the key on a string about his neck.
The chest padlock is
not trapped. But there is a hidden blade trap inside that is deactivated with a
successful find traps roll on the chest. In the chest are two bags of gold
coins (1200 gold and 600 gold), a bag of five rubies (5 x 100 gold) and a crystal
ball carefully wrapped in furs.
(59). Forgotten Vault
The door swings
open into a small, dark chamber. The walls are stone blocks covered in cobwebs. In
the center of the room, there is an iron-bound wooden chest. A crumpled figure
lies on the ground in front of the chest.
The only entrance to
this room is a secret door. The room appears long forgotten, dust and dirt
litter the floor. There are no footprints in the dust. The figure before the
chest is the skeleton of a halfling sized individual wearing a faded, dark red
cloak. He clutches one hand in the other. There is a pouch on the skeletons
belt but it holds only small, wooden trinkets.
There is an open padlock resting on the floor near the skeleton. The chest is unlocked and empty.
(60). The Great Cavern
This is a huge,
natural cavern although there are some stone walls around the perimeter with
doors in them. The floor of the cavern is slightly hilly rock, gravel, and ash.
The ceiling of the cavern is more than 60 feet tall. High up the wall in the
southeast corner of the cavern, there is a large opening to the outside. Lying on
a hill of ash near the center of the chamber is a large, black dragon.
The dragon is Scatha
the black. He is about 40 feet from snout to the tip of his tail. Scatha was
subdued by Ikalis and brought to the Caves to be used as a weapon. The dragon
is not happy about the situation and if Ikalis is killed he is likely to leave.
Scatha, black dragon
AC 2, HD 7**, hp 36, MV 90’ (30’), Fly 240’ (80’), #AT 2 claws, 1 bite, plus
acid breath, Dmg 2-5/2-5/2-20, Save (F7), ML 8, AL C, xp 1200. Spells: Charm
Person, Detect Magic, Ventriloquism, Darkness.
Scatha’s breath weapon
is a 60’ x 5’ stream of acid. He can use it three times per day. The damage
done by the breath weapon is equal to his current hit points. Scatha will speak
with heroes first if they give him the opportunity. Once someone looks him in
the eyes, he will use Charm Person. Once combat gets underway, he will
open with his breath weapon against the hero that appears to be the greatest
Scatha’s treasure is
in a nearby alcove (area 56).
Double Trouble, Scatha and Ikalis. |
(61). Shield Room
On the eastern wall
of this room hang several battered, metal shields. Four have a faded red sun
design on them and the fifth has a partially rusted over Black dragon design.
If the black dragon
shield is removed from the wall, it will reveal a hidden cobra in a small
opening behind it. The cobra attacks
with surprise.
Cobra (1) AC 7, HD 1*,
hp 3, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 1 bite or spit, Dmg 1-3 + poison, Save F1, ML 7, AL N,
xp 25. This is a 3-foot-long grey snake that can spit venom up to 6 feet. It
will aim for its victims’ eyes. Those hit by the spit must save vs poison or be
blinded. The bite of the cobra does 1-3 damage plus a deadly poison (save vs.
poison or die in 1-10 turns). Behind the cobra is a small sack containing 40
silver coins.
(62). Guard Chamber
This room has
several piles of furs and blankets on the floor used for sleeping. In the
center of the room is a square, wood table around which five orcs sit on stools
and broken crates. On the table are a half-dozen wine bottles.
These five orcs are
all off duty and drunk on pilfered wine. This gives them a -2 to hit rolls.
Orc (5) AC 6, HD 1, hp
4 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 spear-2, Dmg 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, AL C, xp 10,
THAC0 19, TT D.
(63). Trap Room
The narrow hallway
leads to a small chamber. The room is lit with two torches. Two wooden chests
rest on the floor on the far side of the room. One chest is on its side and a
heap of gold coins has spilled out onto the floor.
The entire contents of
this room are an illusion hiding a pit trap. The pit occupies the entire
floor of the room. The pit is 20 feet deep. Heroes who stride into the room
fall 20 feet taking 2d6 points of damage. The illusion will remain in place
until dispelled. Heroes looking closely will notice that the torches do
not produce any smoke or make any noise.
Trap! |
Part 4: The Natural Caves
Ikalis has given these
natural caves over to a family of ogres he has recruited. They reside in
several of the caves. This area is for the most part natural caves with some
excavation apparent. The walls are natural rock, the ceilings have stalactites
and the floor has light sand covering over more rock.
Wandering Monster
Every two turns the DM
should roll a 1d6 and on a 1 the adventurers encounter a wandering monster from
the table below.
1 Ogre NA 1, AC 5, HD 4+1,
hp 26, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 1 club, Dmg 1-10, Save F4, ML 10, AL C, xp 125, THAC0
15, TT C.
2 Bandit NA 1-8, AC 6,
HD 1, hp 3 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save T1, ML 8, AL
N, xp 10, THAC0 19, TT U. Stragglers from the bandit band.
3 Ghoul NA 1-6, AC 6,
HD 2*, hp 14, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 2 claws/ 1 bite, Dmg 1-3 all + special, Save
F2, ML 9, TT B, AL C. Any attack by a ghoul that hits will paralyze the victim
unless a Save vs. Paralysis is passes. The paralysis lasts 2-8 turns (remember
Elves are immune).
4-5 Giant Rats NA
2-12, AC 7, HD 1-4 hit points, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 bite, Dmg 1-3 + disease,
Save F1, ML 8, AL N, TT C, xp 5. There bite has a 1 in 20 chance of causing
6 Carrion Crawler NA
2, AC 7, HD 3+1*, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 8 tentacles, Dmg paralysis, Save F2, ML 9,
AL N, TT None, xp 75. Worm-shaped nine-foot-long scavengers. It can move on
floors, ceilings or walls at the same rate. It makes 8 attacks per round with 2-foot-long
tentacles around its mouth.
Key to the Natural Caves.
(64). Bandits and Spy
Stairs lead down
into a small natural cave with three tunnels leading into it. The walls and
ceiling of the cave are covered with a sheen of moisture. Four men in the
center of the open area are talking. One is waving his arms about.
The four men are all
bandits working for Reginald the Mumbler. Three of the bandits are thieves who
have turned their loyalty to Ikalis. The fourth man is a fighter and a recent
recruit to the band after Ikalis arrived. He is arguing with the 3 bandits
insisting they should disobey their orders and get out of here.
Bandits (3) AC 6, HD
1, hp 3 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save T1, ML 8, AL N,
xp 10, THAC0 19, TT U.
Leandorous AC 6, HD 2,
hp 10, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 1 short sword, Dmg 1-6, Save F2, ML 8, AL N, xp 25,
THAC0 19. Leandorous claims to be a spy from the Realms sent to infiltrate the
Caves. This is nonsense he is an opportunist and will turn on the bandits if
the heroes seem more powerful. He has a short sword, 50 feet of rope, a
lantern, 2 flasks of oil and a pouch with 45 silver coins in it.
(65). Wereboar
This is a large
cave with stalactites on the ceiling and a pair of stalagmites rising from the
floor. From behind one of the stone pillars you can hear snuffling and grunting
A wereboar is lurking
in this cave and will attack anyone who enters.
Wereboar (1) AC 4, HD
4+1*, MV 150’(50’), #AT 1 tusk-bite, Dmg 2-12, Save F4, ML 9, AL N, xp 200, TT
Once in battle the
wereboar will fight to the death.
(66). Battle scene
Several tunnels
converge in this open cave area. Lying in the sand on the floor are the
tattered corpses of three human men.
The men are bandits
who were killed recently. The corpses all have mortal sword wounds. These
bandits were victims of the fighting for control of the band.
(67). The Hub
This area was
probably a natural cave at one time but the walls have been worked by tools to
make the chamber into an octagonal shape that is 12 feet high. Five separate
natural tunnels enter the chamber. A large lantern hangs from a ring in the
ceiling. It can be raised and lowered by the rope which is tied off on the
The lantern is too
large to be used by adventurers. The rope holding the lantern up is trapped
with a poison needle in the knot that ties the rope off onto a ring in the
wall. If a save vs. poison is failed, the victim will become nauseous and gains
a -2 to hit for 1d6 hours.
(68). Pillars
In this cave
natural stone pillars have formed reaching from floor to ceiling. There are at
least six pillars and they block the view of much of the cave.
There is an abandoned
backpack lying against the south wall out of sight. In the backpack are four
packs of spoiled rations, an empty water flask, three torches and 50 feet of
(69). Unstable cave
This large cave is
full of rock debris, lying on the floor. Large cracks can be seen in the walls
leading down to the floor or up into the ceiling.
There is a 1 in 6
chance that the passage of the heroes through this cave causes a minor cave-in.
Each time they pass through the cave the chance goes up by one more (2 in 6
etc.). Heroes must save vs. Turn to Stone to avoid falling rocks (1d6 points of
(70). Ogre Lair
The passage leads
to a foul-smelling cavern. Filthy puddle of yellow liquid and piles of garbage
suggest that this area is a garbage pit. Suddenly, two enormous ogres pull
themselves up out of the garbage.
The ogres live in the
garbage pit of the caves. Two ogres are currently present and will attack.
Ogres (2) AC 5, HD
4+1, MV 90’(30’), #AT 1 club, Dmg 1-10, Save F4, ML 10, TT C, AL C, THAC0 15,
xp 200.
(71). Cavern of Mold
This long cave is
covered in moisture. The moisture has promoted the growth of a sickly-looking
yellow mold that covers the floor and walls. There is little chance of passing
through the cave without stepping in the mold.
This is completely
harmless mold. It does have a strong smell of rot.
(72). Slave Cave
Chained to the west
wall are two human corpses. The corpses wrists are manacled to chains hanging
from high up the cave wall. There are two other rings on the wall with more
chains but these ones are empty.
The orcs chain up
slaves for punishment in this cavern.
(73). Deep pool
A pool of water
extends across this cave splitting the cave west from east. The pool is more
than 10 feet wide and the water in it is so dark the depth cannot be seen.
Strangle ripples and bubbles occasionally occur on the surface of the pool.
This pool extends down
20 feet before turning north and entering an underground stream. There are
three troglodytes waiting just beneath the surface of the water for unwary
adventurers. Anyone leaning over the water to look may get pulled in by a
Troglodytes (3) AC 5,
HD 2, hp 12 each, MV 120’ (40’), #AT 2 claws/1 bite, Dmg 1-4 each, Save F2, ML
9, AL C, TT A, THAC0 17, xp 20, troglodytes can secrete oil that will
nauseate victims unless they save vs. poison. Nauseated characters have a -2 to
hit penalty while fighting the troglodytes.
(74). Mine
This cave looks
like it is freshly carved from the surrounding rock. The ceiling is only eight
feet high and there are mounds of crushed rock piled against the wall. A
flickering light can be seen emanating from a tunnel to the west.
The orcs have been
instructed to use human slaves to expand this area of the caves.
(75). Slaves
The darkened passage
is dimly lit by a flickering candle resting on a stone. Huddled, humanoid shapes
lie on the stone floor around the candle. You can hear the clinking of chains
coming from the figures.
The figures are four,
scared and tired humans forced to dig for the orcs. They are not refugees from
Carlion they were part of a caravan further to the north. There are two men
(Olaf and Achill) a woman (Birgit) and a boy of about thirteen years
(Detlef). Their statistics are as normal
Final Map |