Monday 26 September 2022

Actions have consequences

I felt it was high time for my players' characters to fall under some official scrutiny. The Duchy of Valnwall setting that I am using (Chronicles of Amherth, Guidebook to the Duchy of Valnwall, and the City of Dolmvay, all by Small Niche Games) has a clerical organization that tracks down rogue magic users. In this setting, all magic outside of that which is granted by divine sources is viewed with suspicion. A lot of what the players have done would be considered heresy, but most of it occurred without witnesses. The characters do like to boast of their accomplishments so I was betting on their admitting to illegal acts without much prompting.

Session 104: Patronage

Lakima (human magic-user), Eathwund (human fighter), Alrix (couatl sorcerer), Domago (human cleric), Flora (elven thief), Fenris the Filch (human thief NPC).

With the quest to put an end to the demonic happenings beneath the Church of St. Aleena over, the members of the Company of the Black Dragon look forward to some relaxation time.

Lakima tells his wife that he is going to go to a tailor to get a statement wizard’s robe. He suggests to the other members of the company that they might also want to get something that is not tattered and worn so they look presentable at the Yule Ball in Dolmvay. Lakima commissions a wizard’s robe with the tailor Artemis Wenner. Eathwund goes clothes shopping and picks up something that is not so bold.

A few days later they receive a message from Abbot Marta warning them that the Inquisitor of the Order of Truth and Light has arrived in Edgerton for a time and is staying at the Church of St. Johan. Lakima immediately recognizes the name of the Order. The Order of Truth and Light is a religious order of the Church of Law dedicated to locating and killing demon worshippers and rogue magic users. While generally respected by most townsfolk in Thurmany, they are hated or feared by magic users. Rumors say that they torture magic users to ensure they get a confession.

The next day another message arrives. This one is from the magic-user Lavinia Crane and she accuses the new Mages Guild of drawing unwelcome attention. She states that she is leaving town. Lakima decides to move over to the Mages Guild in case there is any trouble with the Order of Truth and Light. The town Cryer imparts the information that a band of bugbears has raided several farms in Calwell not far from the village of Wolford. Cattle and sheep were taken along with a few farmers. The bugbears seem to be able to appear and disappear with little warning. Alrix tries to learn more information but the town Cryer only has the basic facts of the story.

The Mages Guild is visited later in the week by Inquisitor Sprewell of the Order of Truth and Light. He is accompanied by 6 brother priests. The inquisitor requests a meeting with the head of the Mages Guild. They knock politely and do not insist on entrance. Rune Frost is beside himself with worry and Lakima assures him that he will handle the meeting alone. The inquisitor is brought to the Guild office and sits down for a meeting with Lakima with two other priests present. The inquisitor asks questions about the founding of the Guild, its purpose, whether it is connected to the Mages Guild of Dolmvay, and the rules for members. Lakima answers truthfully without providing anything beyond what was requested. Finally, the conversation turns to a discussion about Aashdoshan and the golem he created. Lakima tells the inquisitor that Aashdoshan was not a Guild member but was a member of the Company of the Black Dragon. A member who strayed too far. He tells the inquisitor that Aashdoshan is dead. The inquisitor asks about how the golem came to be created and he learns of the Manual of Golem Creation. Once he learns that the book still exists, he insists that it be turned over. Lakima accedes to this request and fetches the book and hands it over. Lakima also volunteers that they trapped a fey creature in an iron cauldron. The cauldron is in the possession of the Church of Law in Leandra’s Row. The inquisitor thanks him for the information and takes his leave. Once the inquisitor is gone, Rune Frost appears and asks Lakima if the Guild will remain open. Lakima assures him that it will.

The next day they learn that the Earl of Thurmany is visiting Edgerton. Edgerton is the nominal seat of the Earl but he rarely visits – having responsibilities in Dolmvay for the Duke. Castellan Edmund sends a message that the Earl is visiting and would like to meet the Company of the Black Dragon. Lakima sends a message back that the Company would be happy to host the Earl for dinner that evening. They receive a message back that the invitation has been accepted. Alayna sighs with exasperation when she learns that they only have a few hours to prepare to host the Earl.

That evening Earl Claude val Thurman arrives at the manor with an armed escort and accompanied by the castellan and the Lawlord (Colten Brightmoor). A pleasant meal is enjoyed with the Company. After the meal, they adjourn to the sitting room to enjoy some wine. Earl Claude asks the Company if they would be willing to help the earldom of Thurmany out with a small problem. A small, free village, called Drydale has requested assistance. People are going missing. Drydale is located on the edge of the border with Calwell in an area of wilderness. Upon hearing the details of the problem Lakima asks the Earl if he would be willing to aid the Mages Guild of Edgerton. They are concerned about possible hindrances from the Order of Truth and Light. The Earl agrees to provide his patronage protection to the Mages Guild in return for looking into this issue, and on the understanding that the Mages Guild would aid in the defense of Thurmany. A deal is struck and the Earl and his entourage leave. Lakima checks that everyone else in the Company is good with the deal and he tells them he will pay the other members 4,000 gold total to be split amongst them since this venture will mainly aid the Mages Guild.

The next morning, Lakima heads over to the Mages Guild and calls a meeting. He hands out members' tokens (badges) and tells the mages to present that they are under the protection of the Earl of Thurmany. If anyone should attempt to question or hinder them, they should make that fact clear. Philo is impressed and asks what it costs? Lakima tells Philo not to worry about it.

A pair of hunters from Drydale meet with the members of the Company of the Black Dragon. The hunters, brothers Daven and Kilan, were the ones who came to Edgerton looking for help. They are happy to be returning to Drydale with a famous company of adventurers. The group sets out on horseback for Drydale which is about 2 days ride to the east.

On the first night in the wilds, they are attacked by a small band of brigands. They only see five of the brigands but there may have been more. The brigands attempt to sneak up on the camp the party has made at night. Eathwund and Fenris are on watch and spot the brigands well before they get close to the camp. Lakima casts confusion on the band of men. Four of the men charge forward at the camp and the last man runs away. Eathwund and Alrix kill the four men. The one that ran away is allowed to run.

They arrive in Drydale around noon the next day. Drydale is a hamlet of thirteen buildings surrounded by another dozen farmsteads. Daven and Kilan take them directly to meet the remaining member of the council of elders, Jacob Evenbow. Jacob turns out to be a retired adventurer. He tells them that a few villagers went missing so Jarek Hearthwright, a ranger, went to look for them. He did not return. After Jarek went missing for a few days, Hannah Stormwind (daughter of the famous adventurer Gregor Stormwind and a retired adventurer herself), Kathrak Stoneshield, and Uther Stormwind went looking in the hills to the east. They did not return. This is when things got really bad with people going missing every few days. There were no clues of where people were going until a week ago when Devin Feldspar stumbled into the village with no memory of what happened. He also had sutured wounds on his forehead. Another week passed and Katie Teller arrived in the village with a similar story. Since then, Katie has started to exhibit strange magical powers that seem to require no connection to traditional magic.

The party convenes and discusses options and their next step. They decide on the plan of having Alrix wait while invisible in the center of the village. Meanwhile the party and the rest of the people in the village will wait in the tavern where they should be safe. All villagers within hours' walk of the tavern are brought to the tavern to hide. Snow begins to follow and cover the ground with a thin white layer. Alrix uses his power to turn invisible and wait in the village green. Alrix walks over to the back of the tavern every hour to check-in.

Late that evening, Alrix hears a number of footsteps and other noises coming up the road to the south. A man in wizards’ robes walks into view flanked by 2 hobgoblin bodyguards. Limping along behind them are 3 blue-skinned amphibian looking creatures that Alrix has never encountered before. The strange group stride into the village without any concern for concealment or stealth. The mage points to the door of the blacksmith’s cottage and the lizard creatures shuffle over to the door and start trying to bash it open. Alrix circles around the Inn to warn his companions but his companions can already clearly hear what is going on. Lakima, Eathwund, Domago, Fenris, and Flora step outside of the tavern and move to the center of the green. Lakima calls out a challenge to the wizard demanding to know what he is doing.

The wizard ignores them. The creatures bash in the door to the blacksmith’s cottage and move inside. That sets off the fight. Eathwund moves to attack one of the hobgoblins while the other hobgoblin rushes the party. Alrix who is still invisible steps around the advancing hobgoblin. Domago blows the horn of Valhalla and six berserkers appear and begin to attack the mage and the lizard creatures. The mage attempts to cast charm person on Lakima but the spell fails. One hobgoblin engages in a vicious duel with Eathwund and the fighter realizes he is facing a competent swordsman. The single hobgoblin slashes Eathwund several times and seems to shrug off many of Eathwund’s attacks. The other hobgoblin runs over and stabs Lakima twice before Domago can interpose himself.

Once the fight is fully engaged, the wizard flies up into the air and makes to escape but Alrix changes form and flies after him and entangles him in his coils. He bites the mage and then crushes him until he passes out. Meanwhile, Lakima uses magic missiles to blast away at the hobgoblins. Eathwund is badly wounded by the time he is able to kill the hobgoblin he is fighting. The other hobgoblin is brought down by magic missiles fired by Lakima and Alrix. The lizard creatures make short work of the berserkers, but the summoned einherjar accomplish their task of keeping the creatures occupied until the other members of the party can get free to kill them. One creature gets away and runs east into the hills. Alrix follows, flying silently overhead.

Back in the village, the captive mage is brought into the tavern. Jacob identifies him as Uther Stormwind, the apprentice and nephew of Hannah the magic user. Uther is healed by Domago but kept tied up. He attempts to free himself but otherwise ignores questions but he does carefully examine the members of the company. Taking in each hero in turn, checking their gear and gazing at them through dull, yellow-clouded eyes. Jacob points out the fresh sutures on Uther’s forehead.

Alrix continues to follow the lizard creature for an hour before it stops and takes notice of him. The creature flails about with its claws reaching skyward. Despite the fact that Alrix is 100 feet out of reach. Alrix watches this behavior for a while before loosing patience and blasting the creature with magic missiles. Looking in the direction the creature was going, Alrix sees tracks that he follows up into the hills to a large cave mouth. Then he turns about and flies back to Drydale.

In Drydale, Lakima tries casting charm person on Uther but it does not work. The adventurers decide to get some rest. Both Lakima and Eathwund are badly injured. Domago uses the last of his healing spells. Soon Alrix returns. Flora and Fenris do circle the village looking for trouble or clues but do not find anything.

The next morning Domago uses up most of his healing spells to bring Eathwund back close to full health. Then the group set out with Alrix leading the way. Most of the snow from the night before has melted and the tracks are gone but Alrix is able to remember the route and lead the party to the cave.

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