The Crypt
The original purpose of this level of the Hall was the quarters of the army. Prison cells, offices, and barracks. Once the Combined armies defeated the Ogre Lords and brought peace to Stillwater valley the Hall no longer had a purpose. The lowest level of the Hall was turned into a crypt for those killed in the final battle. On this level, the stonework is bare and functional.
All of the dead on this level have been disinterred and brought under the control of Brognor's ghost (more on it later). They all serve Brognor without question.
Meet Brognor's Ghost |
Wandering Monsters and Strange Occurrences (1-2 on 1d6 every 3 turns)
(1). Wight (1): AC 5, HD 3, HP 22, MV 30’, #AT 1, DMG Energy Drain, SA F3, ML 12, AL Chaotic. Each hit drains one hit die from victims. The wight appears to be the corpse of a knight clad in chainmail. He is unarmed. He will hiss and state, “Only the dead may pass!” and move to attack.
(2). Rats, Giant (8): AC 7, HP 2 each, MV 40’, #AT 1 bite, DMG 1-3 + disease, SA F1, ML 8, AL Neutral. A swarm of giant rats.
(3). Howling. The distant howling and crying out of a human in immense pain is heard in the distance. It is difficult to tell the direction as it lasts only briefly and then stops.
(4). Gray Ooze (1): AC 8, HD 3, HP 20, MV 3’, #AT 1, DMG 2-16, SA F2, ML 12, AL Neutral. If it hits bare skin it does 2-16 points of damage. After the first hit, the ooze will stick to its victim automatically destroying regular armor and destroying magic armor in one turn. Ooze cannot be harmed by cold or fire.
(5). Shudder - the walls shudder and the floor seems briefly unstable. There is a deep groaning noise that comes through the walls.
(6). Brognor’s Ghost (1): AC 2, HD 6, HP 38, MV 40’, Ethereal 20’, #AT 1 touch, DMG 1-8 +2 level damage, SA F6, ML 11, AL Chaotic. Brognor’s ghost appears to be a dimly glowing, translucent form of a man from the waist up. Below the waist, his form disappears. He is immune to sleep, charm and hold spells like other undead. A hit does 1-8 damage and drains 2 levels of life. A character reduced to zero experience will raise the next night as a wight under the control of Brognor. Brognor moves by levitating and can pass through solid objects. It can alter its appearance to appear like any humanoid figure.
Brognor appears as just a torso, head and arms rising up out of the floor. He makes one attack and then vanishes.
63. Hall of Tombs
This is an area that was originally a set of prison cells for creatures captured during the war. One of the few Ogre Lords ever captured was held here until it died. Strewn about the hall now are six skeletons. The hall is lowly lit by ten Everburning Candles (light as a normal candle but they never melt the wax or go out). The doors to the crypts are all closed but none of them are locked.
The skeletons in the hall will not move even if disturbed. Once any one of the doors to a crypt is opened they will all move get up and move to attack. There are six skeletons in the hall and 24 more distributed about the ten crypts.
Skeletons (30): AC 7, HD 1, HP 5 each, MV 20’, #AT 1 spear, DMG 1-6, SA F1, ML 12, AL Chaotic. They are not affected by sleep or charm spells.
Each crypt is a barren 5-foot square chamber. Crypt c has a loose stone in the floor that hides a dagger+1 beneath in a shallow pit. Crypt k has a stone that can be slid out in the south wall. Behind is a narrow space holding a leather pouch. In the pouch is a potion of healing and 3 rubies worth 400 gold each. If Nerewin got away from the party his dead body will be found in chamber f.
Nerewin’s body is pierced by several wounds and he has bled out on the floor of the cell. There is a staff+1 and two daggers on his corpse. In his backpack, there are piles of parchments and a bag with 400 gold in it. His spellbook is in his backpack.
Spellbook: Charm Person, Light, Hold Portal, Sleep, Detect Evil, Invisibility, Knock, Mirror Image, Levitate.
Hall of Tombs |
64. Embalming Room
This small chamber has two cabinets on the north wall and a sturdy, low wood table. The tables is strewn with cloth wrappings that are partially rotted. The cabinets hold flasks, jars and clay bowls. Most of the jars and flasks are empty but still smell unpleasant. One flask has a cloudy yellow liquid in it (poison potion, save vs poison or die in 4 turns). One jar has a fine grey powder in it (dust of paralyzation, save vs paralysis if inhaled or be paralyzed for 1 day).
65. Crypt of Honeris
There is a large tapestry on the west wall depicting a knight leading the charge of other knights against a pack of goblinoids. In the center of the chamber is a rotted wooden coffin resting on a low stone bier (1 foot tall). Six clay jars lie on the floor behind the stone bier (not visible from the doorway). The clay jars hold mummified human organs. In the rotting, wood coffin is a mummy wrapped in cloth and holding a hand ax in each hand. If the coffin is opened the mummy will rise up and attack.
Mummy (1): AC 3, HD 5+1, HP 35, MV 20’, #AT 1 touch + disease, DMG 1-12, SA F5, ML 12, AL Chaotic. The touch of a mummy does damage and infects the creature hit with a rotting disease. This disease prevents magical healing and makes all wounds take 10 times as long to heal. Mummies can only be damaged by spells, fire or magic weapons - all of which do only half damage. Mummies are immune to sleep, charm and hold spells.
66. Outer Tomb of Brognor
The wooden door to this chamber has a simple metal plaque on the door with writing in common upon it. It says, “Brognor - savior of Stillwater Valley, Rest in Peace”.
In the chamber are two, plain wooden tables. Some broken pottery is on the table. Above the table is a large tapestry (5 feet tall and 10 feet long) that depicts a knight leading the charge against the Ogre Lords. On the wall is a circular stone shield and two stone crossed swords.
The stone shield can be lifted up and removed to reveal a stone holder that is hollow. In the hollow is a small metal chest. The chest is locked and holds 12 gems worth a total of 800 gold. Once players have entered all of the way into this chamber, Brognor’s ghost will rise up in area 67 and glide into area 66 to attack.
If Brognor is reduced to 20 hit points he will yell in anger at the intruders. “Fools! I am not Brognor - I am Molach - last of the Ogre Lords!” With that, he drops the illusion of Brognor’s ghost and takes on his true visage as the undead spirit of the last of the Ogre Lords. Molach was held in the prison at area 63 and passed away only to rise years later as an undead spirit. He has found that he is trapped in the hold unable to leave and his former enemies are gone. It pleased him to appear as his nemesis Brognor.
Molach (1): AC 2, HD 6, HP 38, MV 40’, Ethereal 20’, #AT 1 touch, DMG 1-8 +2 level damage, SA F6, ML 11, AL Chaotic. Molach appears to be a dimly glowing, translucent form of an Ogre Lord from the waist up. Below the waist, his form disappears. He is immune to sleep, charm and hold spells like other undead. A hit does 1-8 damage and drains 2 levels of life. A character reduced to zero experience will raise the next night as a wight under the control of Molach. Molach moves by levitating and can pass through solid objects. It can alter its appearance to appear like any humanoid figure.
67. Brognor’s Tomb
In the center of the room is a large stone bier (8 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet tall). The stone is a perfect stone slab with an inset stone lid. On the lid is the stone figure of a knight holding a sword. It takes a combined strength of 20 to lever up the stone lid. A crowbar or something similar would be needed to open it. Inside is the skeleton of a man clad in the remains of red robes. A tarnished sword rests on one side. The sword is nonmagical but of good workmanship. At the feet of the skeleton, there is a secret compartment in the bottom of the tomb. Inside rests a single book with a black leather cover and no title or markings. This is a magical Tome of Reason (study for 1 week to gain 1 point of intelligence, it can only be used once every 25 years).
Brognor's Crypt |
68. Warlord’s Tomb
There are two 5 foot deep alcoves in this chamber. Standing in each alcove is a stone sarcophagus. Each sarcophagus is very simple in construction, essentially a standing stone box with a lid that can be slid to one side to open. In each sarcophagus is a crumpled skeleton. One skeleton is holding a pair of daggers and the other holds a staff. None of the weapons are magical. One skeleton wars 2 gold rings worth 500 gold each.
69. Preparation Chamber
Four tables rest in this chamber. On the tables are clothes, jars, and bowls. The items were used to prepare bodies for burial.
70. Tomb of the Knight
There is a central stone tomb with a heavy stone lid. A successful open doors roll is needed to push off the stone lid. Inside the stone tomb is a skeleton clad in plate mail armor. The skeleton is holding a spear and a shield. The device on the shield is a faded black keep. The spear and shield are magical, spear +1 and shield +1.
71. Chamber of Pillars
This is a large stone chamber with a ten-foot high ceiling. Four stone pillars hold up the ceiling. Wrapped around each pillar is a grotesque stone figure of a leering demon. In the room are a number of stone benches. Some still have dusty, faded pillows resting on them.
The grotesques are actually gargoyles who have found their way into the Hold. They will be delighted to have victims to attack.
Gargoyles (4): AC 5, HD 4, HP 24, 28, 28, 26, MV 30’, Fly 50’, #AT 2 claws/ 1 bite/ 1 horn, DMG 1-3/ 1-3/ 1-6/ 1-4, SA F8, ML 11, AL Chaotic. They can only be hit with magic or magical weapons. They are not affected by sleep or charm spells.
72. Empty Crypt
A long chamber of stone. Four stone tombs are placed along the east wall. They are simple stone platforms. At one time bodies rested on them and there is some evidence of this, rags, bits of bone, etc. But the skeletons were enlisted by Molach and moved to area 63. Against the west wall are faded black curtains covering the wall. Behind the curtain is a locked door. The door leads to a small alcove. In the alcove is a pair of benches. On the benches are folded clothes and a wooden chest. The clothes may have once been fine but are now faded and dirty. The wooden chest holds two pairs of pants and a leather pouch containing 250 gold coins.
73. Guard Chamber
The room has two tables a half dozen chairs and two weapon racks on the wall. There are still five normal spears resting in the racks. This was a guard post that was not repurposed into a tomb.
74. Tomb of the Priest
Inside is a wooden coffin resting on a stone platform. The coffin lies on its side and the lid is lying on the floor. On the wall is a faded tapestry showing a priest standing on a hill bathed in the light of the sun.
75. Lord’s Tomb
At the end of a long hall is a locked, wooden door. But the door is old and flimsy and can be forced with an open doors roll. Inside a pair of stone tombs. Both stone tombs are empty of occupants. Molach took these two skeletons.
76. Preparation Chamber
A preparation chamber that was used to prepare bodies for the group of tombs beyond. Unfortunately, the chamber has been ransacked. Tables tossed aside or tipped over, chairs broken and pots smashed on the floor. The door to the north and the one to the west are both partially ajar. If the players make any noise in this chamber the ghouls to the north (77) will hear and attack.
77. Chamber of Ghouls
The chamber is a mess of smashed furniture. Parts of mangled corpses lie on the floor covered in tooth marks. There are six scrawny, filthy ghouls in this chamber that are ravenously hunger.
Ghouls (6): AC 6, HD 2, HP 14 each, MV 30’, #AT 2 claws/ 1 bite, DMG 1-3 each attack, SA F2, ML 9, AL Chaotic. Any attack of a ghoul will paralyze any creature of ogre size or smaller (except elves) unless the victim saves vs Paralysis. The paralysis lasts 2-8 turns.
78. First Tomb
This is the first of four communal tombs. Four stone platforms lie on the north and the south walls. There are no bodies on the platforms but there are a few scattered bones lying about on the floor.
79. Second Tomb
The second communal tomb has not been desecrated by the ghouls. Only because the wight that resides here chases off the ghouls whenever they come around. On the south wall, there are four stone platforms. A skeleton lies on each stone platform covered with a faded blanket. One of the skeletons is clutching a sword. If players enter this chamber the skeleton with the sword will rise and attack. He looks like the corpse of a knight clad in chainmail that is in bad repair.He has long white, ratty hair and pale yellow eyes.
Wight (1): AC 5, HD 3, HP 18, #AT 1 sword or touch, DMG 1-8+1 or special, SA F3, ML 12, AL Chaotic. The wight will attack with his sword until reduced to six hit points, then he will drop his sword and reach out with his touch. The touch of a wight drains 1 level. It can only be hit by a silver or magical weapon. The sword is a sword +1.
80. Third Tomb
Another communal tomb, this one has four stone platforms along the north wall. Skeletons lie on each platform covered in faded blankets. These skeletons are not animated. One skeleton has a silver medallion around its neck worth 400 gold.
81. Fourth Tomb
The final of the communal tombs has four stone platforms on the west wall. On each platform is a skeleton covered with a faded blanket. One of the skeletons clutches a hand ax. Only one these skeletons is animated. The one with the hand ax is a wight. Bits of flesh cover its forms, its eyes are a pale yellow. It has long, white hair. It cackles, “I see you have met my brother” and moves to attack. In life, this was the twin brother of the human who rose as a wight in area 79.
Wight (1): AC 5, HD 3, HP 18, #AT 1 hand ax or touch, DMG 1-6 or special, SA F3, ML 12, AL Chaotic. The wight will attack with his ax until reduced to 12 hit points, then he will drop his ax and reach out with his touch. The touch of a wight drains 1 level. It can only be hit by a silver or magical weapon.
This ends the four levels of Brognor’s Hall. Because I wrote it in four parts I am going back and checking things I missed and I realize I never included statistics for Nerewin. So below are the statistics for Nerewin.
Nerewin, Sage of Pirn: AC 9, HD 4, HP 10, #AT 1 Staff, DMG 1-6, SA M4, ML 9, AL Neutral. Nerewin has a staff+1 and two daggers. He has historical scrolls, some of which he authored himself, filling a book bag and a backpack. He also has a bag with 400 gold in it. His spellbook is kept in his backpack.
Spellbook: Charm Person, Light, Hold Portal, Sleep, Detect Evil, Invisibility, Knock, Mirror Image, Levitate.
He starts the adventure with Hold Portal, Sleep, Invisibility, and knock memorized.